How to report a bug

  1. Figure out the steps to reproduce the bug
  2. Please test with the latest released version of CPS/NCMP.
  3. Create a new bug ticket in the CPS team backlog.

Where to report bugs

Issues may be reported here on the open source CPS Team Jira board:

Writing steps to reproduce

What to include in the report?Good exampleBad example
Indicate whether you can reproduce the bug reliably or not.

I can reproduce using the following steps:

  1. create this (URL: ...)
  2. create that (URL: ...)
  3. execute this (URL: ...)
Our test fails, here are the logs...
Precisely describe which URLs with example payloads to reproduce the issue.

When I send a POST request to http://localhost:8080/ncmp/v1/ch/id-searches with the following JSON:


I perform a search for a module
Accurately describe the expected and actual results.

Expected Results: The search takes 2 seconds to complete.
Actual Results: The search takes 10 minutes.

It takes a long time

Bug Reporting Template

A bug report should contain the following information, where applicable:

Additional information for Performance-related bugs