09:14:27 From Jessie Jewitt : Is this joint meeting happening in the context of a bigger meeting in Montreal? 09:14:48 From Stephen Terrill : Yes 09:14:59 From Jessie Jewitt : Which one? Is there a wiki for it? 09:15:55 From Stephen Terrill : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Dublin+Architecture+Planning+Meeting 09:27:30 From Lingli : Not availble yet 09:27:58 From Lingli : will create one once we got more feedback if needed 09:34:15 From yangxu y00295123 : https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/modeling/modelspec.git/docs/ONAP%20Model%20Spec/im/VnfdAndVnfInstance.html 09:34:29 From yangxu y00295123 : this is the document for vnfd and vnf instance 09:35:55 From Jessie Jewitt : Thanks Xu. Is there a link for the NSD documentation? 09:37:32 From yangxu y00295123 : please note that the UML diagrams are planned to be added afterwards 09:38:15 From yangxu y00295123 : the NSD document has just been submitted, I think you will find it in a few days after the source code is merged 09:39:38 From yangxu y00295123 : This is the link for all the documents for modeling spec: https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/modeling/modelspec.git/docs/index.html 09:40:17 From yangxu y00295123 : In the end, all the documents for R3 should be presented here. 09:45:50 From Stephen Terrill : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/TOSCA+Task+Force 09:50:51 From Lingli : I am confused about the two. I thought TOSCA is one of the DM for design time models, It seems to be overlapping with DM modeling sub-team is doing with related PTLs. 09:55:08 From Kevin Scaggs : On the topic of model governance, the deck can be found in the modeling contributions area of the wiki. 09:55:16 From Kevin Scaggs : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Modeling+sub-committee+Contributions 09:55:48 From Stephen Terrill : To have commonly agreed terminology of the models; where they are produced/consumed, stored etc. 09:57:38 From Lingli : So it is part of the modeling documentation? 10:02:16 From Lingli : Sorry, have to leave for arc call 10:02:27 From Chesla Wechsler (AT&T) : Also leaving for arch call