As an aid to describing to interested parties outside of ONAP the major changes, improvements, features, etc. developed during the Casablanca release I've created the following slide package. As I'm focusing on audiences from outside the ONAP community I haven't included activities that are largely internal even though they might be very important (e.g. improvements in S3P goals). As many of the projects worked on use-cases I didn’t highlight all of these changes in the project summaries.

If I've made any errors, missed anything you think should be included or included activities that aren't complete please let me know.

Cheers, Roger

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  1. Hi Roger,

    In Slide 4 for CCVPN, "We plan to demonstrate the Joint CCVPN PoC demo in ONS-EU in Sep" should be updated to "The Joint CCVPN PoC demo was demonstrated at ONS-EU in Sep 2018".



    1. Thanks Keong.  I'm gathering up the other changes and will upload a new version on  .

      Cheers, Roger

  2. Slide 8. There is missing new LCM action DistributeTraffic that comes from Change Management Extensions project.

    1. Added (smile) Thanks for the comment.

  3. I've updated the content of the slides to address these comments as well as add a slide from the CLAMP team, a slide on VFC and some corrections to the DCAE slide.  Please let me know if further changes are required.

    Cheers, Roger

  4. Hey Roger Maitland,

    Regarding the slide #15, the effort to offer Kubernetes as an option in MultiCloud is still on progress and we haven't done any integration in Casablanca (like connecting with SDC, AAI and/or SO). This is something that we expect to deliver in next releases. So as long as we don't create high expectations on that I'm ok.

    1. Victor Morales, the MultiCloud K8s work is described as a "Prototype" and marked as "Work in Progress" in the diagram so I hope that expectations are set appropriately.  As this work will have long term impact to the VNF vendors I think its important to describe the work here in Casablanca even though it may not be complete.

      Cheers, Roger

  5. Updated with an alternative slide from the MulitCloud team and a reduction in the scope of the 5G use case (removed network slicing).

  6. Roger, see attached for a quick tabular summary based on your outline deck. HTH


    1. Kevin McDonnell

      I would suggest minor changes w.r.t. Multi-Cloud:

      Business: Expanding supports of infrastructures (VIM/Cloud)

      Technology: Integration with SO. Automates onboarding of  edge clouds


      1. Thanks Kevin and Bin.  I've added the summary with Bin's changes.

  7. Thank you Roger Maitland. For Externalapi NBI here is the slide Andy Mayer & Ludovic RobertAdrian OSullivan



    1. Thanks Matthieu Geerebaert, I've updated the slide deck.

  8. Added an new UUI slide from Yan Yang.

  9. Roger Maitland - I have changes for Policy Slide 20

    For Slide 2:


    Auto Scale Out, HPA, CCVPN, 5G OOF PCI

    New Guard & Actor/Recipe Policies, Policy Service Distribution, Apex PDP Ingest, Control Loop Coordination

    Or would you rather I emailed the power point??

    1. I've updated the slides with your input (and that of the CLI team). Thanks Pamela Dragosh and user-67d6f.

  10. Roger Maitland is POMBA an approved project? I could not find it in All Approved Projects. Thanks

    1. According to wiki page POMBA, it is a sub-project of Logging Enhancements Project, which is approved.

  11. Hi Roger,

    Great work.

    A few comments:

    VNFSDK, VVP and VNF Requirements are missing.

    VNF Requirements:

    Contact Steven Wright for more details on VNF Req and VVP

    Contact for Weitao Gao for  VNF SDK

    For SO, I think that we should also mention the new API (Macro)

    Slide2, I would propose

    • DCAE: New collectors (HV VES, SNMP and DataFile) and New Analytics (PNDA)
    • APPC: Add support for new LCM Action Reboot and enhancement existing LCM actions
    • External API: MSB integration in the Technology part. Move Enhancements for CCVPN in the 'Business' column
    • SO: MultiCloud integration, new API (Macro)
    • Documentation: swaggerv2doc plugin, All API documented using Swagger (to be finalised)
  12. Thanks, Roger Maitland. Can you help VNFSDK team update the highlights?

    Eric Debeau, thanks for reminding me this.


    Please see my updates from VNFSDK:



    1. Thanks Victor, I've update the slide deck above.

      Cheers, Roger