

Swaminathan Seetharaman

Harry Huang

@Lin Meng

Borislav Glozman

Chuanyu Chen

@Dmytro Gassanov

@Le Wang

Reshmasree c

@Rishi Tandon

Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan


  1. M4 readiness and code-submission targets for UUI, EXT-API, OOF and SO
  2. Integration Test requirements
  3. Improvements for Guilin release
  4. Presentations to ArchCom, Requirements sub-committee, Modeling sub-committee and Use case realization call

Status of Open Actions




20200210_1Upload sample API contents for the APIs between SO and OOF on the wikiSwami/DhebehaOngoing, contents shared via e-mail
20200210_2Organize a kick-off meeting for Transport Network SlicingLin MengOngoing, meeting scheduled this week
20200210_3Organize an internal sync-up meeting this week reg. the presentation to Requirements Sub-committee and ArchComSwamiClosed
20200210_4Initiate request for access to China Mobile lab for Integration testingSwamiClosed, access requested
20200210_5Share draft documentation of the use case (for readthedocs)SwamiOngoing
20200210_6Contact O-RAN community for possible alignment with O-RAN for the RAN slice sub-net work in GuilinSwamiClosed, contacted, and awaiting meeting slot with O-RAN

Notes and Actions

  1. The status of code submissions for UUI, EXT-API, OOF and SO was reviewed.
  2. It was agreed that Integration Test will be carried out primarily in China Mobile lab, if there are challenges, we will look at Windriver lab as a backup.
  3. Contents for improvements/enhancements in Guilin release and presentation to ArchCom next week will be shared during the next few days for internal review




20200217_1Check and confirm regarding access to CMCC lab for integration testingSwami
20200217_2Prepare and circulate contents for ArchCom presentationLin Meng & Swami
20200217_3Follow-up reg. coding progress with UUI, OOF and SOSwami & Lin Meng
20200217_4Organize sync-up call for SO ↔ OOF interactionsSwami


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