The following use cases are work in progress.

Table of Contents

Amsterdam Use Cases

Use cases define how different users interact with a system under design.  Each use case represents an action that may be performed by a user (defined in UML as an Actor with a user persona).

Detailed Use Case Definitions

This section defines each use case in greater details.

Design VNF Package

TitleDesign VNF Package
DescriptionIn this use case, the VNF supplier uses the TOSCA Common Toolkit or the VNF SDK to design and create a new VNF package which performs a specified network function.
Primary ActorVNF Supplier
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post ConditionsA fully designed and specified VNF package ready for the market.
JIRA Traceability

Upload New VNF Package

TitleUpload New VNF Package
DescriptionIn this use case, the VNF Supplier uploads the market-ready VNF package to the marketplace staging area.
Primary ActorVNF Supplier
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post ConditionsVNF package resides in the staging area of the marketplace and Marketplace Operator has been notified
JIRA Traceability VNFSDK-30 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Update Existing VNF Package

TitleUpdate Existing VNF Package
DescriptionIn this use case, the VNF Supplier needs to update a VNF package that has already been published, perhaps fixing a defect in the existing package, or adding a new feature to the package.
Primary ActorVNF Supplier
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post ConditionsThe updated VNF package resides in the staging area of the marketplace and Marketplace Operator has been notified
JIRA Traceability

VNFSDK-30 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Manage Marketplace Users (Deferred)

TitleManage Marketplace Users
Primary ActorMarketplace Operator
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post Conditions
JIRA Traceability

Manage Marketplace VNF Package Content

TitleManage Marketplace VNF Package Content
DescriptionIn this Use Case, the Marketplace Operator has the responsibility of managing all VNF Package Content in the marketplace.
Primary ActorMarketplace Operator
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post ConditionsAll new and updated VNF package content is managed and controlled according to Marketplace Operator policies.
JIRA Traceability

Onboard VNF Package

TitleOnboard VNF Package
DescriptionIn this Use Case, the Marketplace Operator onboards a VNF package placed in the staging area (e.g., newly uploaded package).
Primary ActorMarketplace Operator
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post ConditionsThe new VNF package has been successfully onboarded
JIRA Traceability

VNFSDK-29 - Getting issue details... STATUS VNFSDK-27 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Validate VNF Package
TitleValidate VNF Package
DescriptionIn this Use Case, the Marketplace Operator validates the VNF package to ensure it complies with package rules.
Primary ActorMarketplace Operator
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post ConditionsThe VNF package is validated.
JIRA Traceability

VNFSDK-31 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test VNF Package Lifecycle
TitleTest VNF Package Lifecycle
DescriptionIn this Use Case, the Marketplace Operator tests the end-to-end lifecycle of the VNF package.
Primary ActorMarketplace Operator
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post ConditionsThe VNF Package passed the lifecycle testing.
JIRA Traceability

VNFSDK-28 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test VNF Package Function
TitleTest VNF Package Function
DescriptionIn this Use Case, the Marketplace Operator tests the network function of the VNF package.
Primary ActorMarketplace Operator
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post ConditionsThe VNF Package passed the function testing.
JIRA Traceability

VNFSDK-28 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Download New VNF Package

TitleDownload New VNF Package
DescriptionIn this Use Case, the Service Provider searches, finds and downloads a VNF package that meets their network service needs.
Primary ActorService Provider
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post ConditionsVNF SDK package successfully downloaded by Service Provider
JIRA Traceability

Receive Update Alerts (Deferred)

TitleReceive Update Alerts
Primary ActorService Provider
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post Conditions
JIRA Traceability

VNFSDK-42 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Download Updated VNF Package (Deferred)

TitleDownload Updated VNF Package
Primary ActorService Provider
Main Success Scenario
Alternate Scenarios
Exception Scenarios
Post Conditions
JIRA Traceability

Use Case Personas

This section describes the Use Case personas or UML Actors.

VNF Supplier

The VNF Supplier has responsibility for designing, defining and developing a VNF package which Service Provider has a need for.

Marketplace Operator

The Marketplace Operator has responsibility for managing and controlling the marketplace environment, including managing users and VNF content placed in the marketplace.

Service Provider

The Service Provider is the consumer of the VNF packages in the marketplace.  A particular VNF is downloaded to meet a business need the Service Provider has.

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  1. Hi Chris,

    One comment regarding the use case with VNF package hand-over to SDC for on-boarding. To my understanding there is no need to translate TOSCA to HEAT because the TOSCA/CSAR on-boarding is within a scope of SDC Amsterdam release.


  2. Another question regarding VNF-SDK-UC-05-01-02 and VNF-SDK-UC-05-01-03: Do you expect receiving the requirements from the VNF Requirements project and how do you think to deploy/instantiate and run the VNF in order to test its life-cycle and functionality?

  3. user-0a91b

    I would propose that we also use Papyrus to create use case diagrams.