/* Still to be checked: search for ??? */ syntax = "proto3"; // Definition for RTPM & PM message PerformanceMeasurementFields { message PMObject { message PMMeasurement { uint32 measurement_id = 1; repeated uint32 counter_subid = 2; repeated sint64 counter_value = 3; } bytes uri = 1; // monitored object URI // ??? note: need to explain the URI naming schema used for standard object (coming from 3GPP), but this shall be a text description, no need to include directly in ProtoBuf repeated PMMeasurement measurements = 2; // performance counters grouped by measurement types } enum PMFlags // documentation of pmflags bitmask, do not use as field type { reserved 3,5,6,7,9 to 15,17 to 31; // few first values that cannot be used NO_FLAG = 0x0; // default value: no flag set INCOMPLETE = 0x01; // report is incomplete (measurement(s) missing due to internal error) OUTOFSYNC = 0x02; // report is out of sync (source time not aligned) // NEXT_FREE_FLAG_VALUE = 0x04; } float version = 1; // version of PerformanceMeasurementFields schema uint32 pmflags = 2; // flags as bitmask (@see PMFlags for the description of particular bits) string pmSchema = 3; // vendor name + schema version Eg NOKIA_LN7.0, uniquely identify the relevant PM dictionary repeated PMObject pmObjects = 4; // objects being monitored }