[10:02] #startmeeting [10:02] <@collabot> Yang_: Error: A meeting name is required, e.g., '#startmeeting Marketing Committee' [10:04] == gwu [62ea6b00@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #onap-int [10:04] == gildaslanilis [18823ec0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #onap-int [10:05] #topic follow up on last week's actions [10:05] #info Marcin: health checks for PRH anv VES-HV added to DCAE health check [10:07] #info Marcin howver there is still a 500 msg error on DECAE Health Check. [10:08] #action @marcinto follow up with Vijay (PTL DCAE) [10:08] #info TOSCA vCPE still planned for Casablanca [10:08] #info CCVPN is still in the test plans [10:09] #info CSIT stuff moved into its own repo integration/csit [10:09] #topic stablizing master branch [10:10] #info all health checks pass OOM staging daily except AAF [10:10] #info biggest issue is nexus slowdown which is blocking creation of SDNC docker images [10:13] #cannot do Instantiate tests due to lack of new SDNC containers [10:17] #info seems that people have not started pairwise testing [10:18] #info Marco: some pairwise tests cannot be run due to missing dependencies in the environments [10:22] #topic HPA testing [10:23] #info HPA to support vFW and vDNS use cases [10:42] #topic use case testing [10:43] #info HPA test plan: https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=41421112 [10:44] #info demo of 5G Bulk PM use case [10:46] #info 5g-bulk-pm use case test cases implemented as CSIT [10:49] #topic CIA project [10:49] #info migrating OOF images to alpine, while building them for multi-CPU architecture [10:53] #topic offline deployment [10:54] #info offline deployment scripts "more or less" done [10:55] #info currently working issues related to artifacts that disappear over time [10:57] #info aiming to put the scripts in integration/devtool repo [10:58] #topic security test tool [10:59] #info demo of Nexxus tool [10:59] Nessus tool [11:00] #info demo of Nessus tool [11:02] #info a type of port scanning / penetration testing tool [11:10] #topic misc [11:11] #info Tuesday calendar invite for this meeting was a mistake; should be the same time on Wednesdays but extended to two hours [11:13] == gwu [62ea6b00@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] [11:16] #endmeeting