Dispatcher API

Version: 4.0.0

High-level API for deploying/deploying composed services using Cloudify Manager.



Path Operation Description
/dcae-deployments GET
/dcae-deployments/{deploymentId} DELETE
/dcae-deployments/{deploymentId}/operation/{operationId} GET



Get API version information and links to API operations

200 OK


apiVersion: string

version of API supported by this server

serverVersion: string

version of software running on this server

links: object

Links to API resources

info: string

path for the server information endpoint

events: string

path for the events endpoint

GET /dcae-deployments

List service deployments known to the orchestrator, optionally restricted to a single service type


Service type identifier for the type whose deployments are to be listed

query string
200 OK

Success. (Note that if no matching deployments are found, the request is still a success; the deployments array is empty in that case.)

500 Internal Server Error

Problem on the server side. See the message in the response for more details.

502 Bad Gateway

Error reported to the dispatcher by a downstream system. See the message in the response for more details.

504 Gateway Timeout

Error communicating with a downstream system. See the message in the response for more details.

DELETE /dcae-deployments/{deploymentId}

Uninstall the DCAE service and remove all associated data from the orchestrator.


Deployment identifier for the service to be uninstalled.

path string
202 Accepted

Success: The dispatcher has initiated the uninstall operation.

400 Bad Request

Bad request: See the message in the response for details.

500 Internal Server Error

Problem on the server side. See the message in the response for more details.

502 Bad Gateway

Error reported to the dispatcher by a downstream system. See the message in the response for more details.

504 Gateway Timeout

Error communicating with a downstream system. See the message in the response for more details.

PUT /dcae-deployments/{deploymentId}

Request deployment of a DCAE service



Unique deployment identifier assigned by the API client.

path string


202 Accepted

Success: The content that was posted is valid, the dispatcher has found the needed blueprint, created an instance of the topology in the orchestrator, and started an installation workflow.

400 Bad Request

Bad request: See the message in the response for details.

409 Conflict

A service with the specified deployment Id already exists. Using PUT to update the service is not a supported operation.

415 Unsupported Media Type

Bad request: The Content-Type header does not indicate that the content is 'application/json'

500 Internal Server Error

Problem on the server side. See the message in the response for more details.

502 Bad Gateway

Error reported to the dispatcher by a downstream system. See the message in the response for more details.

504 Gateway Timeout

Error communicating with a downstream system. See the message in the response for more details.

GET /dcae-deployments/{deploymentId}/operation/{operationId}

Get status of a deployment operation

deploymentId path string
operationId path string
200 OK

Status information retrieved successfully

404 Not Found

The operation information does not exist (possibly because the service has been uninstalled and deleted).

500 Internal Server Error

Problem on the server side. See the message in the response for more details.

502 Bad Gateway

Error reported to the dispatcher by a downstream system. See the message in the response for more details.

504 Gateway Timeout

Error communicating with a downstream system. See the message in the response for more details.

Schema definitions

DCAEDeploymentRequest: object

Request for deploying a DCAE service.

serviceTypeId: string

The service type identifier (a unique ID assigned by DCAE inventory) for the service to be deployed.

inputs: object

Object containing inputs needed by the service blueprint to create an instance of the service. Content of the object depends on the service being deployed.

DCAEDeploymentResponse: object

Response body for a PUT or DELETE to /dcae-deployments/{deploymentId}

requestId: string

Unique identifier for the request

links: object

Links that the API client can access.

self: string

Link used to retrieve information about the service being deployed

status: string

Link used to retrieve information about the status of the installation workflow

DCAEDeploymentsListResponse: object

Object providing a list of deployments

requestId: string

Unique identifier for the request

deployments: object[]
href: string

URL for the service deployment

DCAEErrorResponse: object

Object reporting an error.

status: integer

HTTP status code for the response

message: string

Human-readable description of the reason for the error

DCAEOperationStatusResponse: object

Response body for a request for status of an installation or uninstallation operation.

requestId: string

A unique identifier assigned to the request. Useful for tracing a request through logs.

operationType: string

Type of operation being reported on. ("install" or "uninstall")

status: string

Status of the installation or uninstallation operation. Possible values are "processing", "succeeded", and "failed"

error: string

If status is "failed", this field will be present and contain additional information about the reason the operation failed.

links: object

If the operation succeeded, links that the client can follow to take further action. Note that a successful "uninstall" operation removes the DCAE service instance completely, so there are no possible further actions, and no links.

self: string

Link used to retrieve information about the service.

uninstall: string

Link used to trigger an "uninstall" operation for the service. (Use the DELETE method.)