21:13:54 Lingli 对 Maopeng(私聊) : 茂鹏,传雨没来。你能一起介绍SD和NSD么? 21:14:29 Maopeng 对 Lingli(私聊) : OK 21:27:02 Lingli 对 Maopeng(私聊) : thanks 21:34:07 Arun Gupta (AT&T) : What is the ONAP orchestration approach to actually implementing WAN services? 21:37:02 Lingli : Hi Arun, WAN service would be the next topic. @Arun 21:41:59 Thinh Nguyenphu (Nokia) : would you please show the detail of onap.nodes.ServiceComponent 21:48:50 Lingli : Not currently from our side. 21:54:09 Maopeng : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Design-Time+Data+Model%3A+Network+Service 21:55:34 Alexander Vul 对 Lingli(私聊) : hi Lingli 21:55:42 Lingli 对 Alexander Vul(私聊) : Hi Alex 21:55:47 Alexander Vul 对 Lingli(私聊) : can we talk for five minutes after this call? 21:56:06 Alexander Vul 对 Lingli(私聊) : i wanted to clarify a couple of comments from yesterday... 21:56:35 Lingli 对 Alexander Vul(私聊) : Have you seen the invite I sent earlier today? 21:56:47 Alexander Vul 对 Lingli(私聊) : no 21:56:52 Alexander Vul 对 Lingli(私聊) : let me check... 21:56:56 Lingli 对 Alexander Vul(私聊) : Srini accepted it. 21:57:13 Lingli 对 Alexander Vul(私聊) : I am suggesting an offline call for HPA topic later today your time. 21:58:28 Alexander Vul 对 Lingli(私聊) : Yes... that would be good... thanks so much for arranging this... 21:59:05 Lingli 对 Alexander Vul(私聊) : Great. Talk to you later. :-) 21:59:14 Alexander Vul 对 Lingli(私聊) : yes, likewise... 21:59:20 Alexander Vul 对 Lingli(私聊) : this is a good meeting!!! 21:59:40 Alexander Vul 对 Lingli(私聊) : much better than others :-) 22:07:41 Lingli 对 Alexander Vul(私聊) : If you would provide the list of HPA features and preferred way of including them int the IM in the clarification, that would be of great help.