1. When creating vBRG in batch mode, there are 3 types of error messages. Suspect querying A&AI is too soon. Action: send 3 error messages to Brian to reproduce 2. "SDNC callback timeout error" in vcpe log. Action: Check SDNC adapter log in SO to see the exact problem 3. HTTP response status code is null while response body is present in vcpe log Action: Run Wireshark tool or tcpdump to capture packets between vcpe test program and SO 4. DHCP_MAP table in SDNC takes only 255 entries Action: The table doesn't have limit, but DHCP server is configured with a /24 network. ssh to DHCP server and modify config file kea_dhcp4.conf to replace netmask 24 with 16. Also you need to change route entry in SDNC to reflect netmask of 16 5. OOM deployment failed with one 64GB node Action: Suggest to use 5x32GB cluster nodes, plus one Rancher node with 8GB 6. How to check ONAP is deployed correctly in OOM? Answer: run "ete-k8s.sh onap health" on Rancher node