1. AAI query to list VNFs created (Brian to provide) 2. Keystone url issue - missing version number in url 3. OOM ONAP wiki page (see zoom chat). 4. How to input Openstack info to OOM ONAP so that vFW use case can run. Typical step is to use integation script to install Rancher and host nodes and ONAP. Then do HELM upgrade with integration-override.yaml to update Openstack parameters. See zoom chat for sample integration-override.yaml. 5. Multiple service instanciation fails due to service instance name is generated based on timestamp upto minute precision, so two requests within one minute have the same instance id and SO will error out. 6. SO progress request fails. Suggest to run wireshark to capture packets and see what the response is. 7. 9/24 meeting is cancelled due to holiday in China