09:47:39 From Chesla Wechsler (AT&T) : Ben is kind to give me credit for this, but it reflects the work of many people. 09:48:26 From maopeng : What's the complex here?@Chesla , thanks. 09:48:41 From Chesla Wechsler (AT&T) : A complex is a physical location 09:49:11 From maopeng : is it a attribute? or a class object? 09:49:50 From Chesla Wechsler (AT&T) : It's a class object 09:51:45 From Benjamin Cheung : https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=25431491 09:58:23 From Benjamin Cheung : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Casablanca