22:12:31 Xu Yang : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/ONAP+R4+Resource+IM+Call+2018-2-11 22:26:27 Anatoly Katzman (AT&I) : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Data+Model+Interest+Group+2019-02-11+Meeting+Minutes 22:34:20 Lingli : SDC does not support it 22:34:29 Lingli : VFC supports it 22:36:19 Lingli : We do manually onboarded to VFC catalog in runtime 22:37:34 Lingli : We could do documentation as part of VFC if needed 22:40:19 Thinh Nguyenphu : Lingli, what is the tool to generate NSD for VFC project? or manually create NSD tosca service template. 22:43:11 Andy Mayer (AT&T) : Does the NSD consumed by VFC differ from the ETSI NSD model? 22:44:30 Lingli : manually crafted@Thinh 22:45:24 Lingli : VFC supports both SDC service package and also ETSI NFV NS Package@Andy 22:45:36 Thinh Nguyenphu : thanks 22:49:55 Andy Mayer (AT&T) 对 DENG Hui(私聊) : If we don't have time for the package naming proposal, we can upload the proposal to the minutes and ask folks to provide comments by next week. 22:56:44 DENG Hui 对 Andy Mayer (AT&T)(私聊) : OK 23:00:01 Andy Mayer (AT&T) 对 DENG Hui(私聊) : Thanks! 23:04:34 Lingli : not the lastest version 23:06:33 Lingli : Please join us tomorrow. 23:07:59 Borislav Glozman : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Modeling+2019-02-12 23:09:21 Michela Bevilacqua (Ericsson) : https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51282875