13:42:23 From Thinh Nguyenphu : kevin, are you sharing any doncument? 13:45:42 From Xu Yang to Andy Mayer (AT&T)(Privately) : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/VES+7.1+DRAFT 13:45:48 From Xu Yang : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/VES+7.1+DRAFT 13:46:01 From Xu Yang : for the VES proposal 13:54:11 From Xu Yang : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Service+Information+Model+for+Network+Slice 13:54:25 From Xu Yang : network slice model 13:58:28 From Lingli-office : thank you @yangxu 14:00:44 From Lingli-office : Items to be added for next relase: 1, 5G service modeling outsourcing Anatoly collaborating with 3GPP SA5; 2, Improve terminoloy with help from Michela. 14:05:27 From Lingli-office : I did not wrote the slide but I would also add service configuation support to the list, or perhaps that is also part of Chuyi's intention for item #2 14:15:55 From Thinh Nguyenphu : i am refering to this link https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/R4+ONAP+Internal+DM+based+on+TOSCA+1.2 14:30:56 From DENG Hui : @Arun Gupta, Ramki can't make it today, could we postpone your discussion next week? 14:40:01 From Thinh Nguyenphu : can i show a slide to confirm the discussion on platform 14:54:36 From Lingli-office : @Pam What is the scope for CL modeling is supposed to be represented in TOSCA yaml? 14:55:52 From Lingli-office : application provisioning? drool rules? collector to use, topic to register? or all of them? 14:56:23 From Lingli-office : Trying to understand is this really a requirement for TOSCA yaml or TOSCA packaging. 14:58:13 From Pamela Dragosh : Monitoring policies for DCAE uS components. Operational Policies for PDPs such as Drools/Apex. Guard policies to protect control loops using XACMl PDP engine. We would like to use TOSCA to express these policies at a high-level and then translate them into specific Policy engines based on needs. 14:59:44 From Lingli-office : These are not in scope for TOSCA yaml, so far as I know. 15:03:45 From Lingli-office : +1 to that comment 15:04:18 From Lingli-office : concept clarification imorptant to understand the requirements for DM representation, in TOSCA or any other language 15:05:16 From Lingli-office : @shitao I will try to join too.