09:09:52 From Pamela Dragosh : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Policy+on+OOM 09:15:30 From Saryu Shah to Pamela Dragosh (Privately) : Can you send me the invite to the meeting where Jorge is going over ... I'd like to listen in. Thanks. 09:16:31 From Pamela Dragosh to Saryu Shah (Privately) : done 09:17:26 From Saryu Shah to Pamela Dragosh (Privately) : thanks 09:34:13 From Liam Fallon : We used Curator that runs on top of Zookeeper 09:34:15 From Liam Fallon : https://curator.apache.org/ 09:34:21 From Liam Fallon : for locking that is 09:49:14 From Pamela Dragosh : https://wiki.onap.org/pages/editpage.action?pageId=33068443