09:09:00 From Pavel Paroulek : what is A&AI reverse engineering? 09:17:33 From Lingli-travelling : To document the information model by reverse engineering from the A&AI schema. 09:18:54 From Pavel Paroulek : thanks, actually I would like to show a project that would probably help in the effort, but I am not sure if we don't run out of time, sice it is the last agenda item and a discussion would be highly valuable 09:25:20 From Andy Mayer (AT&T) : Paul, Let's see what time we have left. We might need to have a breakout session on this topic. 09:25:48 From Lingli-travelling : Sounds interesting! 09:26:52 From Andy Mayer (AT&T) : Pavel, does the project you are describing produce UML/XMI? 09:28:41 From Pavel Paroulek : ok, because we (A&AI) would like to gather feedback on the tool from as many people as possible so we can fine-tune the functionality for people who want to work and understand the A&AI model. That's why a discussion is important 09:30:07 From Pavel Paroulek : @Andy - no, it produces a visual representation of the A&AI model in the browser, but any other functionality needed could be added if it makes sense 09:31:11 From Pavel Paroulek : @Andy - I would like it show it today, but as I said since it is the last agenda item I think there will be no time for it 09:33:49 From Alex’s iPhone 6 : @andy - we need to add a work item around a use case independent model. 09:46:01 From Lingli-travelling : I am confused, we are aiming at building usecase-agnostic modeling, right? 09:46:07 From Lingli-travelling : +1 to Alex 09:47:40 From Andy Mayer (AT&T) : Yes, that is our goal. Use Cases express information needs. 09:48:05 From Lingli-travelling : Agreed @Andy