10:09:54 From Zu Qiang (Ericsson) : https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6587439 10:23:15 From Tracy van Brakle (AT&T) : sorry late - double-booked this morning ... 10:32:40 From Gerard Hynes (AT&T) to Benjamin Cheung(Privately) : Ben … can you share that version of the ORAN/OSC presentation. I have an older version … can't seem to locate this one. Thanks. 10:55:42 From Tracy van Brakle (AT&T) : https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/x/egBv 10:56:41 From Melanie Sater to Benjamin Cheung(Privately) : Sophie Antipolis I believe is the town in France. I will look it up. 10:58:11 From Melanie Sater to Benjamin Cheung(Privately) : Actually Sophia Antipolis.