09:03:33 From Andy Mayer (AT&T) : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Modeling+2019-12-10 09:16:21 From fei zhang : yes, no progress 09:17:27 From fei zhang : for PNF sw, the latest status from adreir is 'The last update is that the SOL chair allocated this topic to the upcoming Remote SOL meeting.' 09:19:12 From fei zhang : CR is NFVSOL(19)000205r2. 09:19:35 From fei zhang : I have problem with mic 09:33:10 From Benjamin Cheung : https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/x/egBv 09:41:29 From Benjamin Cheung : https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Glossary