Versions Compared


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serverONAP Jira


CM Handle Registration Request Payload

JSON Viewer
  "dmiPlugin": "my-dmi-plugin",
  "dmiDataPlugin": "my-dmi-data-plugin",
  "dmiModelPlugin": "my-dmi-model-plugin",
  "createdCmHandles": [
      "cmHandle": "my-cm-handle",
      "cmHandleProperties": {
        "additionalProp1": "my-property",
        "additionalProp2": "my-property",
        "additionalProp3": "my-property"
      "publicCmHandleProperties": {
        "additionalProp1": "my-property",
        "additionalProp2": "my-property",
        "additionalProp3": "my-property"
  "updatedCmHandles": {
    "cmHandle": "my-cm-handle",
    "cmHandleProperties": {
      "add-my-property": "add-property",
      "update-my-property": "updated-property",
      "delete-my-property": null
    "publicCmHandleProperties": {
      "add-my-property": "add-property",
      "update-my-property": "updated-property",
      "delete-my-property": null
  "removedCmHandles": [

Proposed Changes:

ScenarioEndpointCurrent Response CodeProposed Response CodeComments
Create CM HandlePOST /v1/ch201 (Created)200 ( OK )
Update CM HandlePOST /v1/ch201 (Created) 200 ( OK )
Remove CM HandlePOST /v1/ch201 (Created) 200 ( OK ) 

Project Common Name: 

Project Overview:

Project description:


  • In Scope
  • Out of Scope
  • Features / functionality being developed
    • 1st release content:
    • 2nd release content:
    • 3rd release content:
  • New interface/API specifications proposed

Architecture Alignment:

titleArchitecture Review

All project proposals require an review by the Architecture subcommittee BEFORE being submitted to the TSC.  The questions in this section need to be filled in by the time you meet with the Arch subcommittee.

  • Architectural Fit

    • How does this project fit into the rest of the ONAP Architecture?
    • Architecture diagram of your project: 
    • What upstream ONAP projects does this project depend on? 
    • What downstream ONAP projects are expected to leverage this project?
    • Project & Component Overlay:  
  • Interoperability  

    • SDO specifications supported: 
    • APIs/Interfaces:
    • Information/data models:
    • If there is an existing ONAP project that does something similar to this project explain why this being a new stand-alone project?
  • Other Dependencies

    • Upstream open source projects: 
    • Non ONAP APIs/Interfaces:
    • Specific IDE integration requirements:
    • Integration Testing: 
    • etc.

Community Alignment:

  • Vendor Neutrality: 
  • Seed code Location (if any):  
  • If "In-House" please answer the the following questions:
    • How long before the seed-code could be made available to the community in a public repository? 
    • Has contribution of the code already been approved by your executive leadership and IPR counsel?
    • Have all proprietary trademarks, logos, product names and internal company secrets been removed from the code base already?
  • Would any waivers to ONAP policies (including IPR) be required by this project? 
  • Plan for providing education to onboard the ONAP developer community : 

Jira Information:






Release Components: (add/delete rows as necessary)


Component Name


Repository name


Component Description

Resources committed to the project: (add/delete rows as necessary)


Name (use @ macro)

Linux Foundation ID

Email Address


PTLCommittersOther Contributors