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(on each host) fix your /etc/hosts to point localhost/ to your hostname (add your hostname to the end)

sudo vi /etc/hosts localhost your-hostname

(on each host) Install only the 1.12.x (currently 1.12.6) version of Docker (the only version that works with Kubernetes in Rancher 1.6)
curl | sh

(on the master) Install rancher (use 8880 instead of 8080)
sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 8880:8080 rancher/server

In Rancher UI ( , (only if you launch rancher with - Set external IP name of master node in config),

create a new onap environment as Kubernetes (will setup kube containers), deactivate default cattle environment -

this will make the new onap one default

register your host(s) - run following on each host (get from "add host" menu) - install docker 1.12 if not already on the host (note the host can be the same machine as the master)

curl | sh
docker run --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher rancher/agent:v1.2.2

install kubectl
curl -LO$(curl -s
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

paste kubectl config from rancher (you will see the CLI menu in Rancher | Kubernetes after the k8s pods are up on your host

Click on "Generate Config" to get your content to add into .kube/config

mkdir ~/.kube

vi ~/.kube/config

clone oom (scp your onap_rsa private key first - or clone anon - Ideally you get a full gerrit account and join the community)

see ssh/http/http access links below

git clone ssh://

or use https

ubuntu@obrienk-1:~$ git clone

Wait until all the hosts show green in rancher, then run the script that wraps all the kubectl commands


Run the setenv.bash script in /oom/kubernetes/oneclick/ (new since 20170817) - fix the non-runnable script until the following is fixed


chmod 777 setenv.bash


run the one time config pod - which mounts the volume /dockerdata/ contained in the pod config-init. This mount is required for all other ONAP pods to function.

Note: the pod will stop after NFS creation - this is normal.

cd oom/kubernetes/config

chmod 777   

./ -n onap

(only if you are planning on closed-loop) - Before running pod-config-init.yaml - make sure your config for openstack is setup correctly - so you can deploy the vFirewall VMs for example

vi oom/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/mso/mso/mso-docker.json

replace for example

"identity_services": [{
"identity_url": "http://OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_IP_HERE:5000/v2.0",

~/onap/oom/kubernetes/config# kubectl create -f pod-config-init.yaml

pod "config-init" created

Wait for the config-init pod is gone before trying to bring up a component or all of ONAP

Note: use only the hardcoded "onap" namespace prefix - as URLs in the config pod are set as follows "workflowSdncadapterCallback": "http://mso.onap-mso:8080/mso/SDNCAdapterCallbackService"

Don't run all the pods unless you have at least 50G RAM allocated - if you have a laptop/VM with 16G - then you can only run enough pods to fit in around 11G

Ignore errors introduced around 20170816 - these are non-blocking and will allow the create to proceed -


cd ../oneclick
vi createAll.bash 

./createAll.bash -n onap -a robot|aapc|aai (to bring up a single service at a time)

Only if you have >50G run the following (all namespaces)

./createAll.bash -n onap

Wait until the containers are all up - you should see...
