Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


PlantUML Macro

participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database 

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Deploy Automation Composition Element Instance Response
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Store Automation Composition Element Instance Response Information

alt Is AC Element Instance Deployed?
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set AC Element Instance administrative state as LOCKED
 alt Have all the other AC Element Instances in this AC Instance been deployed?
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: markSet AC Instance administrative state as DeployedLOCKED


3.4 Undeploy Automation Composition Instance


PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participants
database ACM_Database 

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Undeploy Automation Composition Instance out of Service
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Instance Information

alt Automation Composition Instance exists
 alt Automation Composition Instance is not in state "Out Of Service"LOCKED
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition instance exists and is already out of servicenot LOCKED
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition instance does not exist
 ACM_Runtime -> Participants: [ASYNC] TakeUndeploy AC Element Instances for this AC Instance out of Service
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: SetMark status ofthis AC Instance and its AC Element Instances as "Dropping out of Service"Undeploying
 ACM_Runtime -> REST: Undeployment of Automation Composition Instance has been requested to drop out of service



Each participant takes undeploys its AC Element Instances from the AC Instance out of service.

PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant

ACM_Runtime -> Participant: [ASYNC] TakeUndeploy AC Element Instances for this AC Instance out of Service 

loop over AC Element Instances in AC Instance
 alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Instance\nmatch my Participant ID?
  alt IsDoes this AC Element Instance already out of serviceexist?
   ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element is already out of service
  else does not exist
  else Is this administrative state of this AC Element Instance LOCKED
   Participant -> Participant: BringUndeploy AC Element Instance out of Service
   activate Participant
   deactivate Participant
   alt AC Element drops out of serviceundeployed successfully
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element taken out of serviceundeployed successfully
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] ERROR: AC Element was not undeployed
  taken outend
 of service
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element is already undeployed
  note left of participant
   ignore this AC Element instance as its for another participant 
  end note



PlantUML Macro

participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database 

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Undeploy Automation Composition Element Instance out of service Response
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Store Automation Composition Element Instance Response Information

alt Is AC Element Instance out of serviceundeployed?
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: SetMark AC Element Instance as "Not In Service"
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set AC Element Instance as "In Service"


3.5 Read Automation Composition Instances

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Get Automation Composition Instance Information 
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Instance Information
ACM_Runtime -> REST: Respond with Automation Composition Instance information\nincluding ACM Element Instance information\nand admin, operational, and usage Statusstate
