Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Result of Priming of AC Element Type
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Record result of AC Element Type Priming

alt Is AC Element Type Primed?
 alt Have all the other AC Element Types in this AC Type been Primed?
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Set AC Type state as Primed


2.5 Deprime an Automation Composition Type on Participants


PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Result of Depriming of AC Element Type
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Record result of AC Element Type Depriming

alt Is AC Element Type Deprimed?
 alt Have all the other AC Element Types in this AC Type been Deprimed?
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Set AC Type state as Deprimed


2.6 Get Automation Composition Types
