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Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

Support for ETSI SOL005 v3.3.1


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Executive Summary - Provide an interface adapter from ONAP Service Orchestrator to internal and external NFV Orchestrators using  ETSI SOL005 v3.3.1 (Link to ETSI SOL005 v3.3.1compliant Interface 

  • Support for Create, Instantiate, Query of a VNF using an external VNF Manager

  • Support for Grant request from an external VNF Manager

  • Support for ModifyVnfInfo using an external Manager

  • Support for receiving VNF Life Cycle Notifications (LCN) from a VNF Manager
  • Support for VNF Heal

  • Support for VNF Scale (out, in, level)

  • Support for Grant with Incremental resource allocation and HPA support using OOF

  • Oauth2 based authentication support between ONAP and VNFM(s)

Business Impact - Enables operators and service providers to use vendor provided or internally developed ETSI compliant VNF Manager(s).  Industry compatibility.

Business Markets - All operators and service providers that are using ETSI SOL003 compliant VNF Managers

Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard Interfaces.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

Support for ETSI SOL005 v3.3.1 Os-Ma-nfvo Interface between ONAP SO and NFVO


Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard containerized VNF (CNF)  packaging.  Reduction in capital expense from vendors using a single packaging methodology.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 



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Executive Summary - This requirement will introduce VID work to complement the work-flow to building block management work in SO for Plug and Play. The continues the work started in R6 and R7 where the SO work-flow to building block work was finished. The description of the "base" work was done in R6/R7 and can be found in the PnP pages for those releases. In R8, VID software "front end" will be added to allow for a user to more easily use the SO Building Blocks.

Business Impact - The enhancement to Plug and Play operation in ONAP is a critical business function because they enhance installation and commissioning activities.

Business Markets - This project applies to any domain (wireless, transport, optical, and wireline) that ONAP may manage. It is not a market or geographical specific capability.

Funding/Financial Impacts - The plug and play project has Operating Expense (OPEX) savings for operators because of the ability to saving time and expenses during installation and commissioning and contributes towards ZTM (Zero touch management).

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

CMP v2 in R8


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Executive Summary - The Configuration Persistence Service (CPS) is a real-time service that is designed to serve as a data repository for Run-time Network Element (configuration) data that needs to be persistent applicable to multiple domain (RAN, Transport, and Core). This was explored as a R7 PoC.  Focus on storing run-time DATA RELATED to NETWORK ELEMENT instances. In R8, this is being proposed as a stand-alone project.

Business Impact - The ability for service operators to visualize and manage network element data in a network (PNFs, VNFs, and logical constructs) with ONAP is a critical business function because they are key Life Cycle Management (LCM) and OA&M operations. The project has business impacts to enhance the operation of data-handling within ONAP by providing efficient data layer services.

Business Markets - This project applies to any domain (wireless, transport, optical, and wireline) that ONAP may manage. It is not a market or geographical specific capability. It is expected that scaled ONAP installations such as Edge & Core ONAP deployments will also deploy the database across each installation.

Funding/Financial Impacts - This project represents a large potential Operating Expense (OPEX) savings for operators because of the ability to configure networks saving time and expenses.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.