Versions Compared


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  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualMemory:
    • property "numa_enabled" default value changed from false to true.  // In ONAP, the default is still false
    • in ETSI, there is no Change since 2.5.1/2.7.1
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfcConfigurableProperties:
    • property "additional_vnfc_configurable_properties" commented out in ONAP dataTypes.yml
    • In ETSI, there is no other change since 2.5.1/2.7.1
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfcAdditionalConfigurableProperties:
    • property "description" removed
    • In ETSI, there is no other change since 2.5.1/2.7.1
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduProfile:
    • version in ONAP contains extra properties not in ETSI:
      • "watchdog", "vmBootUpTimeOut"
      • Keep the extra properties in ONAP; no change in ONAP
    • In ETSI, there is no other change since 2.5.1/2.7.1
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.L2ProtocolData:
    • property "vlan_transparent" now mandatory; change required to Yes; in ONAP change the required to true; default to true;
    • property version in ONAP contains extra properties not in ETSI: "segmentation_id" is introduced in 2.7.1. Now it is in both ETSI and ONAP, but ETSI defined it as a string, but ONAP defined it as integer; If possible, change it to String to conform to ETSI
    • version in ONAP contains extra properties not in ETSI:
        -> now in ONAP but as a string rather than int
      • "physical_network" with type String and required false
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration:
    • new properties added in ETSI 3.3.1:
      • change_current_package, create: optional, type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfChangeCurrentPackageOperationConfiguration
      • create_snapshot: optional, type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfCreateSnapshotOperationConfiguration
      • revert, revert_to_snapshot: optional, type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfRevertToSnapshotOperationConfiguration
    • Add the above properties to ONAP dataTypes.yml
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInstantiateOperationConfiguration:
    • property "description" removed"; need to remove this description property from ONAP dataType.yml
    • there is no change in ETSI since 2.5.1/2.7.1

  •  toscatosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfScaleOperationConfiguration
    • property "scaling_by_more_than_one_step_supported" now mandatory_step_supported" now mandatory for 3.3.1; change its "required" to true and "default" to true.

  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfConfigurableProperties:
    • new optional properties added :since 2.7.1
      • vnfm_interface_info: optional, type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfmInterfaceInfo
      • vnfm, vnfm_oauth_server_info, vnf: optional, type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.OauthServerInfo
      • vnf_oauth_server_info_info: optional, type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.OauthServerInfo
    • existing property commented out:
      • additional_configurable_property
    • In ONAP dataType.yml, change the property "existing property commented out:additional_configurable_properties" to "additional_configurable_property" 

  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfAdditionalConfigurableProperties:
    • new required property added :since 2.7.1
      • is_writable_anytime
    • existing property removed:
      • description
      • : required true, type: boolean
    • existing property removed: (remove it from ONAP dataType.yml)
      • description

  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInfoModifiableAttributes:
    • existing properties commented out:
      • extensions, metadata
    • No change since 2.5.1/2.7.1

  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInfoModifiableAttributesVnfInfoModifiableAttributesExtensions:
    • existing properties commented out:property removed: need to remove the following property from ONAP dataTypes.yml
      • description
    • In ETSI, there is no change since 2.5.1/2.7.1extensions, metadata

  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInfoModifiableAttributesExtensionsVnfInfoModifiableAttributesMetadata:
    • existing property removed: need to remove the following property from ONAP dataTypes.yml
      • description
    • existing property removed:descriptionIn ETSI, there is no change since 2.5.1/2.7.1

  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.SwImageData:
    • new optional property added :since 2.7.1; add the property to ONAP dataType.yml
      • provider: optional, type: string
      • provider
    • property "checksum" changed type from string to tosca.datatypes.nfv.ChecksumData since 2.7.1; change ONAP dataType.yml for this.
    • property "min_disk" new constraint added "greater_or_equal: 0 B" since 2.7.1; change ONAP dataType.yml for this
    • property "min_ram" new constraint added "greater_or_equal: 0 B" since 2.7.1; change ONAP dataType.yml for this


  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualBlockStorageData:
    • property "size_of_storage" new constraint added "greater_or_equal: 0 B"
    • property "rdma_enabled" now required
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualObjectStorageData:
    • property "max_size_of_storage" new constraint added "greater_or_equal: 0 B"
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualFileStorageData:
    • property "size_of_storage" new constraint added "greater_or_equal: 0 B"
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualLinkBitrateLevel:
    • existing property removed:
      • description
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters:
    • existing property removed:
      • description
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfChangeFlavourOperationConfiguration:
    • existing property removed:
      • description
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfChangeExtConnectivityOperationConfiguration:
    • existing property removed:
      • description
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfcMonitoringParameter
    • property "performance_metric" new valid_values added:
      • v_cpu_usage_mean, v_cpu_usage_peak,v_memory_usage_mean,v_memory_usage_peak, v_disk_usage_mean, v_disk_usage_peak, v_net_byte_incoming, v_net_byte_outgoing, v_net_packet_incoming, v_net_packet_outgoing, usage_mean_vStorage, usage_peak_vStorage
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualLinkMonitoringParameter:
    • property "performance_metric" valid_values added:
      • byte_incoming, byte_outgoing, packet_incoming, packet_outgoing
    • property "performance_metric" valid_values removed:
      • packet_outgoing_virtual_link, packet_incoming_virtual_link
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfProfile
    • new optional property "service_availability_level"
  • tosca.datatypes.nfv.L3AddressData
    • version in SDC contains extra property not defined in ETSI:
      • fixed_ip_address
