Versions Compared


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Refering to CII Badging Security Program and Platform Maturity Requirements, fill out the table below by indicating the actual level , the targeted level for the current release and the evidences on how you plan to achieve the targeted level.

AreaActual LevelTargeted Level for current ReleaseHow, EvidencesComments
  • To carry out performance tests to get the baseline. This baseline will be used as the start line of our improvement of the component performance.
  • 0 -- none
  • 1 – baseline performance criteria identified and measured
  • 2 & 3 – performance improvement plans created & implemented
  • Perform long-time soaking tests within our team and fix the findings.
  • Give the data set to the integration team and ask them to help to carry out a 72 soak test in the integration lab.
  • 0 – none
  • 1 – 72 hours component level soak w/random transactions
  • 2 – 72 hours platform level soak w/random transactions
  • 3 – 6 months track record of reduced defect rate
  • Holmes is a light-weighted component so the init time is less than 30 mins by nature.
  • What we are going to do is to enhance our data persistency a little bit so that after our system is down, we could recover the data along with the recovery of the component itself.
  • 0 – none
  • 1 – manual failure and recovery (< 30 minutes)
  • 2 – automated detection and recovery (single site)
  • 3 – automated detection and recovery (geo redundancy)
  • Only 2 modules' UT coverage is under 50%, but it's already above 45%. So what we gonna do is to raise the UT coverage of these 2 modules first.
  • Change all http interfaces into an https approach.
  • 0 – none
  • 1 – CII Passing badge + 50% Test Coverage
  • 2 – CII Silver badge; internal communication encrypted; role-based access control and authorization for all calls
  • 3 – CII Gold
  • This part of work actually could be partly designed and implementated together with the "Resiliency" requirements because they both have something to do with the data persistency and recovery.
  • Beside the data persistency and recovery, we have to design how to solve the load balancing issues.
  • 0 – no ability to scale
  • 1 – single site horizontal scaling
  • 2 – geographic scaling
  • 3 – scaling across multiple ONAP instances
  • Holmes has been using Log4j as its logging tool from the very beginning. What we have to do is to regularize the logging infomation a little bit in order to comply to the requirements from the Logging Enhancements Project.
  • 1 – single logging system across components; instantiation in < 1 hour
  • 2 – ability to upgrade a single component; tracing across components; externalized configuration management
  • All documents are already. What we are going to do is to keep them updated according to the latest dev status of Holmes.
  • 1 – user guide; deployment documentation; API documentation
  • 2 – UI consistency; usability testing; tutorial documentation

API Incoming Dependencies


API NameAPI DescriptionAPI Definition DateAPI Delivery dateAPI Definition link (i.e.swagger)
Rule CreatingThis API is intended for creating a rule in the database.


August, 24th, 2017Rule Management - Beijing
Rule ModifyingThis API is intended for modifying a rule in the database.


August, 24th, 2017Rule Management - Beijing
Rule DeletingThis API is intended for deleting a rule from the database.


August, 24th, 2017Rule Management - Beijing
Rule QueryThis API is intended for querying rules from the database.


August, 24th, 2017Rule Management - Beijing
Health CheckThis API is used by other components to check whether Holmes is working.


August, 24th, 2017Health Check - Beijing

Third Party Products Dependencies


Testing and Integration Plans

Provide a description of the testing activities (unit test, functional test, automation,...) that will be performed by the team within the scope of this release.


  • For unit tests, we are going to keep the line coverage of each module to be above 50% or even higher.
  • For the functional tests, because there will be few functional requirements for Holmes, we will main reuse the current auto testing scripts to promise that the basic functions of Holmes work well. As for the GUI part, we will add some new test cases onto the wiki page and attach the corresponding testing report to it. 
  • For the non-functional requirements, we will set up a set of testing env and get them tested by ourselves. Meanwhile, we'll be collaborating with the integration team to get some advice on how to get all those platform maturity requirement tested.


This section is used to document a limitation on a functionality or platform support. We are currently aware of this limitation and it will be delivered in a future Release.
List identified release gaps (if any), and its impact.

Gaps identifiedImpact
--To fill outTo fill out

Known Defects and Issues

Provide a link toward the list of all known project bugs.


Risk identifiedMitigation PlanContingency Plan
---To fill outTo fill outTo fill out


Fill out the Resources Committed to the Release centralized page.

Release Milestone


It is not expected to have a detailed project plan.

---To fill outTo fill outTo fill out

Documentation, Training

  • Highlight the team contributions to the specific document related to he project (Config guide, installation guide...).
  • Highlight the team contributions to the overall Release Documentation and training asset
  • High level list of documentation, training and tutorials necessary to understand the release capabilities, configuration and operation.
  • Documentation includes items such as:
    • Installation instructions
    • Configuration instructions
    • Developer guide
    • End User guide
    • Admin guide
    • ...

The Documentation project will provide the Documentation Tool Chain to edit, configure, store and publish all Documentation asset.

Other Information

Vendor Neutral

If this project is coming from an existing proprietary codebase, ensure that all proprietary trademarks, logos, product names, etc. have been removed. All ONAP deliverables must comply with this rule and be agnostic of any proprietary symbols.

Free and Open Source Software

FOSS activities are critical to the delivery of the whole ONAP initiative. The information may not be fully available at Release Planning, however to avoid late refactoring, it is critical to accomplish this task as early as possible.
List all third party Free and Open Source Software used within the release and provide License type (BSD, MIT, Apache, GNU GPL,... ).
In the case non Apache License are found inform immediately the TSC and the Release Manager and document your reasoning on why you believe we can use a non Apache version 2 license.
