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Code Block
titleSnippet from application.yaml
        # Enabling of springboot actuator features. See springboot documentation.
        include: "loggers,logfile,health,info,metrics,threaddump,heapdump,prometheus"

Note: By default Prometheus endpoint is disabled. To enable it add ",prometheus" in the application.yaml of a1pms.

The metrics actuator makes several metrics available. These metrics include numerous built-in springboot metrics, and several new A1-specific metrics.
In order to access the exposed metrics, you need to form an URL and append metric's name end of the URL like below:

Prometheus Statistics

Prometheus is time-series database, which stores a sequence of data points, across time. It’s generally used to store metrics and performance data from your applications.


An example of Prometheus statistics:

Prometheus UI

If you want to collect and visualize Prometheus' statistics in Prometheus GUI, this can be configured in a  'prometheus.yml' Prometheus configuration file, similar to the example below.
This sample shows how Prometheus can periodically scrape the available metrics and make them available.
