Versions Compared


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Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied StereotypesAttribute TypeCategoryRationale
vnfmInfoString0..* (IFA has 1..*)

Identifies VNFM(s) compatible with the VNF described in this version of the VNFD.

Using the name of micro-service of the vnfm drive. For vendor specific VNFM, the value composes of "vendorname" and "vnfmdriver", e.g. "mycompanyvnfmdriver"; for generic VNFM, the value is "gvnfmdriver".


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY

value specified

cardinality change

Value is specified according to the usage in VFC project.

Lower cardinality is changed to 0 because not all VNFs in ONAP need to be managed by VNFMs, SO/APPC could also serve the similar functionality.


Information about localization languages of the VNF (includes e.g. strings in the VNFD).

NOTE: This allows to provide one or more localization languages to support selecting a specific localization language at VNF instantiation time.

The value refer to ISO936 .


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY
attributetype and value specifiedValue is specified according to the usage in VFC project.

Default localization language that is instantiated if no information about selected localization language is available.

The value refer to ISO936 .


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  CONDITIONAL
  • condition: Shall be present if "localizationLanguage" is present and shall be absent otherwise.
attributetype and value specifiedValue is specified according to the usage in VFC project.
vnfReservedCpdVduCpd0..*Reserved IP Address for VNF which is not bounded to any specific VNFC, but assigned manually from outside and potentially shared as a floating IP among VNFCs.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY

associationnew attribute

Used to describe CPs which don't belong to a specific VNFC, but are shared among VNFCs.

Corresponding to "allowed address pair" concept in openstack, or "virtual ip" concept.

Usually used for redundancy (reliability) design.

modifiableAttributesVnfInfoModifiableAttributes1 (IFA has 0..1)

Describes the modifiable attributes of the VNF.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY
attributecardinality change
logoString0..1File path of the vendor specified logo.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY

attributenew attribute
guideString0..1UUID of the vendor guide/documentation which is attached to VNF and can be downloaded from the model.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY


new attribute


Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied StereotypesAttribute TypeCategoryRationale


Note: Ongoing discussion is proposing to move this out of Cpd (into VNFD) as it is specified to VNFD.



For specifying floating IP(s) to be shared among Cpds, which are reserved for vnfReservedCpd described in the VNFD.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY

attributenew attributeTo specify the IP addresses used for the vnfReservedCpd.

Class: VduCpd

Describes network connectivity between a VNFC instance (based on this VDU) and an internal Virtual Link.


Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied Stereotypes

Attribute Type

watchdogString0..1Watchdog action to be triggered by the VIM for the VNF in case the heart beat fails, e.g. reset or hard shutdown, etc.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY
Attributenew attributeSee description.
vmBootUpTimeOutInteger0..1Timeout value for the VNFM to wait before the successful booting up of the VDU.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  OPTIONAL
Attributenew attributeTo specify the maximum time VNFM should wait before a VNF instance is successfully boot up. If timeout, the instantiation would be considered as failed.


Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied StereotypesAttribute TypeCategoryRationale



The network interface requirements. An element from an array of key-value pairs that articulate the network interface deployment requirements.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY
Attributetype specifiedType and value are defined per HPA proposal.

Class: Class: VnfVirtualLinkDesc

Represents the type of network connectivity mandated by the VNF vendor between two or more Connection Points which includes at least one Internal Connection Point.


Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied StereotypesAttribute TypeCategoryRationale
placementGroupPlacementGroup0..*Determine where VNFC's (VDU's) are placed with respect to the VNF


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY

Associationnew attribute
  • BaseConfigGroup may set Access Control Lists (ACL's) and establish security groups and server groups.
  • BaseConfigGroup creates/establishs storage for the VM's (OpenStack Cinder).
  • BaseConfigGroup may establish internal networks such as OAM (VNF Mgmt) or MNS (Maintenance & Surveillance)  established.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY


Associationnew attributeserves different use cases, please see description
deploymentGroupDeploymentGroup1..*DeploymentGroup provides the minimum viable VDU and associated VNFC configuration for a useable VNF.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY


Associationnew attribute


           support:  MANDATORY

  • Preliminary
Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied StereotypesAttributeTypeCategoryRationale


Note: This is missing in IFA011 but is in the model. This is a necessary attribute in order to instantiate the class


Uniquely identifies this VirtualLinkProfile class.


  • isInvariant: true
  • support:  MANDATORY
Attributenew attributealign with IFA015

Specifies initiation parameters for the virtual link.

Specified values include: cidr, allocationPools (represented by [starting ip address, ending ip address]), gatewayIp, networkName, segmentationId, physicalNetwork.

NOTE: cidr, allocationPools, gatewayIp, networkName are already defined in L3ProtocolData in IFA.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY

Attributenew attributespecify the input parameters for creating virtual link (network) in openstack; IFA has added several attributes for the L3 in the latest version, but not for the VLAN related ones (L2?)

Class: VirtualLinkDescFlavour


Datatype: VirtualCpuPinningData (suggest to deprecate)

NOTE: The rationale is to include this information in vduCpuRequirements as part of the HPA proposal.

Attribute Name




Applied Stereotypes




The policy can take values of "static" or "dynamic". In case of "static" the virtual CPU cores are requested to be allocated to logical CPU cores according to the rules defined in virtualCpuPinningRules. In case of "dynamic" the allocation of virtual CPU cores to logical CPU cores is decided by the VIM. (e.g.: SMT (Simultaneous Multi-Threading) requirements).


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY

Not specified

0..1A list of rules that should be considered during the allocation of the virtual CPUs to logical CPUs in case of "static" virtualCpuPinningPolicy.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY


Attribute NameTypeMultiplicityDescriptionApplied StereotypesCategoryRationale
scriptString1Information to locate a VNF LCM script (e.g. written in a DSL as specified in requirement VNF_PACK.LCM.001)triggered to react to one of the events listed in the event attribute.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY
type specified

Array of KVP requirements with the key as the parameter name and the value as the parameter that need to be passed as an input to the script.

NOTE: The scriptInput values are passed to the scripts in addition to the parameters received in the operation invocation request or indicator value change.


  • isInvariant: false
  • support:  MANDATORY
type specifiedAlign with description.

Datatype: MonitoringParameter
