Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


PlantUML Macro

participant Participant
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

Participant -> ACM_Runtime: [ASYNC] Register
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: [ASYNC] Create or Update Participant Registration\nand store supported ACM element types
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set Participant State as ONLINE
Participant <- ACM_Runtime: Registration Accepted

ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Mark all ACM Element Instances\nrunning on Participant as ONLINE
activate ACM_Runtime
deactivate ACM_Runtime


1.2 Deregister a Participant


PlantUML Macro

participant Participant
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

Participant -> Participant: Uninitialize all ACM Element Instances running on Participant\n(See Instantiation Dialogues)
activate Participant
deactivate Participant

Participant -> ACM_Runtime: [ASYNC] Deregister
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Delete Participant Registration
ParticipantACM_Runtime <-> ACM_Database: Set Participant State as OFFLINE
Participant <- ACM_Runtime: [ASYNC] Deregistration Accepted

ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Mark all ACM Element Instances\nrunning on Participant as OFFLINE
activate ACM_Runtime
deactivate ACM_Runtime


1.3 Supervise Participants


PlantUML Macro

participant Participant
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

loop Every Participant Supervision Interval
 Participant -> ACM_Runtime: [ASYNC] Heartbeat message including\nstatus and states of AC Element Instances on Participant
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Update Participant Heartbeat data
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set Participant State as ONLINE

 loop Every AC Element Instance in Heartbeat Message
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: UpdateMark AC Element Instance as ONLINE\nand Update AC Element Instance status


The ACM runtime regularly checks the heartbeat reports from participants and takes action of if participants time out. If a heartbeat message is not received for a participant in the Timeout Interval, the participant is marked as timed out and its ACM element instances are informed.


PlantUML Macro

participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

loop Every ACM_Runtime Supervision Interval
  loop Over all Participants
    ACM_Runtime -> Database: Read Participant Heartbeat Information
    alt Participant Heartbeat not received in Timeout Interval
      ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set Participant State as OFFLINE
      ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Mark all ACM Element Instances\nrunning on Participant as OfflineOFFLINE
      activate ACM_Runtime
      deactivate ACM_Runtime



PlantUML Macro

participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Get Participant Information
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Participant Data
REST <- ACM_Runtime: Return Participant Information including\nsupported ACMAC Element Types,\nAC Element Instances and their states\nand Heartbeat Information



PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Commission Automation Composition Type
alt Automation Composition Type exists and has Instances
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Type Commissioning Failed
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Create and Store Automation Composition Type
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set Automation Composition Type State to COMMISSIONED
 ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Type Commissioned



PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Decommission Automation Composition Type
alt Automation Composition Type hasis Instances
not in state COMMISSIONED
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Type Decommissioning Failed
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Delete Automation Composition Type
 ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Type Decommissioned 



PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database

== Priming REST Request ==

alt Automation Composition Type has Deployed Instances
  REST <- ACM_Runtime: Priming of Automation Composition Type Failed, instances deployed
else Automation Composition Type is in state COMMISSIONED or PRIMED
 REST -> ACM_Runtime: Prime Automation Composition Type

 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Type
 ACM_Runtime -> ParticipantACM_Database: [ASYNC] Send Priming Request to Read Participants
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Set suitable participant ID on each AC Element Type

 alt Was a sutable participant ID found for each AC Element Type?
  ACM_Runtime -> Participant: [ASYNC] Send Priming Request to all Participants\nwith Automation Composition Type Definition

REST <-  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeDatabase: PrimingSet of Automation Composition Type Ordered


A participant should respond for each Automation Composition Element Type, thus causing the full Automation Composition Type to become primed. Note that if more than one participant can support an Automation Composition Element Type the ACM Runtime uses the participant in the first response it receives for that Automation Composition Element Type.

PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant

ACM_Runtime -> Participant: [ASYNC] Bring AC Element Instances for this AC Instance into Service 

loop over AC Element Instances in AC Instance
 alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Instance\nmatch my Participant ID
  alt Is this AC Element Instance already in service
   ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element is already in service
   Participant -> Participant: Bring AC Element Instance into Service
   activate Participant
   deactivate Participant
   alt AC Element came into service successfully
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element brought into service
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] ERROR: AC Element was not brought into service
  note left of participant
   ignore this AC Element instance as its for another participant 
  end note


2.5 Get Automation Composition Types

This dialogue allows an Automation Composition Type  to be read.

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Get Automation Composition Type Information 
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Type Information
ACM_Runtime -> REST: Respond with Automation Composition information\nincluding ACM Element Type information and Priming Status


3. Instantiation Dialogues

Instantiation dialogues are used to create, set parameters on, instantiate, update, and remove Automation Composition instances.

3.1 Create or Update an Automation Composition Instance

Create on a POST and update on a PUT.

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Create Automation Composition Instance for\nspecified Automation Composition Type with\nspecified parameter values

alt Automation Composition Instance exists
 alt Automation Composition Instance is in state "In Service"
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition instance exists and is in use
  note right of REST
   Updates on "Not In Service" Automation Composition Instances are allowed
  end note
alt Specified Automation Type Composition Exists
 alt Specified Automation Composition Type is Primed
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Store Automation Composition Instance
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Instance Created
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Type is not primed
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Type is not found


Note that this dialogue creates the Automation Composition Instance in the ACM database. The instance is sent to the participants using the process described in the dialogue in Section 3.3.

3.2 Delete an Automation Composition Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Delete Automation Composition Instance

alt Automation Composition Instance exists
 alt Automation Composition Instance is in state "In Service"
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition instance exists and is in use
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition instance does not exist
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Delete Automation Composition Instance
 ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Instance Deleted


3.3 Bring Automation Composition Instance into Service

The user requests the AC Instance to come into service using a REST endpoint. The ACM Runtime orders the AC Instance to come into service.

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participants
database ACM_Database 

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Bring Automation Composition Instance into Service
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Instance Information

alt Automation Composition Instance exists
 alt Automation Composition Instance is in state "In Service"
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition instance exists and is already in service
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition instance does not exist
 ACM_Runtime -> Participants: [ASYNC] Bring AC Element Instances for this AC Instance into Service
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set status of AC Instance and its AC Element Instances as "Coming into Service"
 ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Instance has been requested to come into service


Each participant brings its AC Element Instances from the AC Instance into service.

PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant

ACM_Runtime -> Participant: [ASYNC] Bring AC Element Instances for this AC Instance into Service 

loop over AC Element Instances in AC Instance
 alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Instance\nmatch my Participant ID?
  alt Is this AC Element Instance already in service
   ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element is already in service
   Participant -> Participant: Bring AC Element Instance into Service
   activate Participant
   deactivate Participant
   alt AC Element came into service successfully
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element brought into service
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] ERROR: AC Element was not brought into service
  note left of participant
   ignore this AC Element instance as its for another participant 
  end note


The ACM Runtime receives and stores the responses.

PlantUML Macro

participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database 

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Automation Composition Element Instance into Service Response
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Store Automation Composition Element Instance Response Information

alt Is AC Element Instance in service?
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set AC Element Instance as "In Service"
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set AC Element Instance as "Not In Service"


3.4 Take Automation Composition Instance out of Service

The user requests the AC Instance to drop out of service using a REST endpoint. The ACM Runtime orders the AC Instance to drop out of service.

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participants
database ACM_Database 

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Take Automation Composition Instance out of Service
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Instance Information

alt Automation Composition Instance exists
 alt Automation Composition Instance is in state "Out Of Service"
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition instance exists and is already out of service
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition instance does not exist
 ACM_Runtime -> Participants: [ASYNC] Take AC Element Instances for this AC Instance out of Service
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set status of AC Instance and its AC Element Instances as "Dropping out of Service"
 ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Instance has been requested to drop out of service


Each participant takes its AC Element Instances from the AC Instance out of service.

PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant

ACM_Runtime -> Participant: [ASYNC] Take AC Element Instances for this AC Instance out of Service 

loop over AC Element Instances in AC Instance
 alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Instance\nmatch my Participant ID?
  alt Is this AC Element Instance already out of service
   ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element is already out of service
   Participant -> Participant: Bring AC Element Instance out of Service
   activate Participant
   deactivate Participant
   alt AC Element drops out of service successfully
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element taken out of service
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] ERROR: AC Element was not taken out of service
  note left of participant
   ignore this AC Element instance as its for another participant 
  end note


The ACM Runtime receives and stores the responses.

State to PRIMING

  REST <- ACM_Runtime: Priming of Automation Composition Type Ordered
   REST <- ACM_Runtime: Priming of Automation Composition Type Faield, no sutiable participant found
 REST <- ACM_Runtime: Priming of Automation Composition Type Failed, invalid state


A participant should respond for each Automation Composition Element Type, thus causing the full Automation Composition Type to become primed. Note that if more than one participant can support an Automation Composition Element Type the ACM Runtime uses the participant in the first response it receives for that Automation Composition Element Type.

PlantUML Macro
PlantUML Macro

participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database 

ACM_Runtime <-> Participant: [ASYNC] AutomationPrime CompositionAC Element Instance out of service Response
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Store Automation Composition Element Instance Response Information

alt Is AC Element Instance out of service?
 Types for this AC Type 

loop over AC Element Types in AC Type
 alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Type\nmatch my Participant ID
  alt Does this AC Element Type already exist
   ACM_Runtime <-> ACM_Database: SetParticipant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element InstanceType asalready "Notexists
 In Service"
 ACM_Runtime  Participant -> ACM_DatabaseParticipant: Set AC Element Instance as "In Service"



3.5 De-instantiating an Automation Composition Instance from Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant REST participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database  REST -> ACM_Runtime: Read all Instantiated Automation Composition InstancesCreate AC Element Type
   activate Participant
   deactivate Participant
   alt AC Element successfully created
    ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read all Instantiated Automation Composition Instances<- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element successfully primed
    ACM_Runtime -> REST: All Instantiated Automation Composition Instances returned REST -> REST: Select Automation Composition Instance to de-instantiate REST -> ACM_Runtime: De-instantiate selected Automation Composition Instance on Participants

alt Selected Automation Composition Instance instantiated on Participants   ACM_Runtime -> Participants: [DMaaP] Update Participants to remove Automation Composition Instance   <- Participant: [ASYNC] ERROR: AC Element priming failed
  note left of participant
   ignore this AC Element Type as its for another participant 
  end note


The ACM Runtime updates the priming information in the database.

PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Result of Priming of AC Element Type
ACM_Runtime -> RESTACM_Database: Record De-instantiationresult of AutomationAC CompositionElement Instance ordered on participants
else Selected Automation Composition Instance not instantiated on Participants   ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Instance not instantiated on participants 

== Participant Responses ==
ParticipantsType Priming

alt Is AC Element Type Primed?
 alt Have all the other AC Element Types in this AC Type been Primed?
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: [DMaaP]Set AC Type state as PRIMED


2.5 Deprime an Automation Composition Type on Participants

The Depriming operation removes Automation Composition Types and common property values on participants for each Automation Composition Element Type in the Automation Composition Type.

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
 Result of update of Automation Composition Instance on participant ACM_Runtime ->
participant Participant
database ACM_Database: Store result of update of 

alt Automation Composition InstanceType onhas participant
== Supervision ==
loop forever  REST <- ACM_Runtime: -> ACM_Database: ReadDepriming of Automation Composition Type InstancesFailed
else AC loopType overState eachis AutomationPRIMED Compositionor InstancePRIMING
    alt Automation Composition Instance de-instantiation update underway on participants    ACMREST -> ACM_Runtime: Deprime Automation Composition Type

 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: read resultRead of Automation Composition updates from participants
      alt Updates completed on all participants      ACMType
 ACM_Runtime -> Participant: [ASYNC] Send Depriming Request to all Participants\nwith Automation Composition Type Definition
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: setSet Automation Composition InstanceType asState de-instantiated on Participants      ACM_Runtime ->to DEPRIMING

 REST <- ACM_DatabaseRuntime: setDepriming overallof Automation Composition InstanceType as de-instantiatedOrdered
 REST <- ACM_Runtime: Depriming of elseAutomation UpdatesComposition notType completed
Failed, invalid state


A participant should respond for each Automation Composition Element Type, thus causing the full Automation Composition Type to become deprimed.

PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant

ACM_Runtime -> Participant: [ASYNC] altDeprime Automation Composition Instance de-instantiation Update timed out on participants        ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: set Automation Composition Instance de-instantiation as timed out on Participants        ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Log error
        else Wait for updates to complete
    else Automation Composition Instance de-instantiation update on participants not underway

3.6 Deleting an Automation Composition Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant REST participant ACM_Runtime

database ACM_Database  REST -> ACM_Runtime: Read all Automation Composition Instances ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read all Automation Composition Instances ACM_Runtime -> REST: All Automation Composition Instances returned REST -> REST: Select Automation Composition Instance to delete REST -> ACM_Runtime: Delete selected Automation Composition Instance

alt Selected Automation Composition Instance exists   ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Delete Automation Composition instance   ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Instance deleted
else Selected Automation Composition Instance does not exist   ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Instance does not exist 


3.7 Reading Automation Composition Instances

PlantUML Macro
participant REST participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database  REST -> ACM_Runtime: Read all Automation Composition Instances ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read all Automation Composition Instances ACM_Runtime -> REST: All Automation Composition Instances returned


3. Monitoring Dialogues

Monitoring dialogues are used to monitor and read statistics on Automation Composition Instances.

3.1 Reporting of Monitoring Information and Statistics by Participants

AC Element Types for this AC Type 

loop over AC Element Types in AC Type
 alt Does the deprimed Participant ID on this AC Element Type\nmatch my Participant ID
  alt Does this AC Element Type Exist
   Participant -> Participant: Delete AC Element Type
   activate Participant
   deactivate Participant
   note left of Participant
    Deletion of an AC Element Type always returns success
   end note
   ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element successfully primed
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element Type is already deprimed
  note left of Participant
   ignore this AC Element Type as its for another participant 
  end note


The ACM Runtime updates the priming information in the database.

PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Result of Depriming of AC Element Type
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Record result of AC Element Type Depriming

alt Is AC Element Type Deprimed?
 alt Have all the other AC Element Types in this AC Type been Deprimed?
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Set AC Type state as COMMISSIONED


2.6 Get Automation Composition Types

This dialogue allows an Automation Composition Type  to be read.

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database

ParticipantREST -> ACM_Runtime: [DMaaP] Participant andGet Automation Composition Type Information 
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Element Monitoring and Statistics report Type Information
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_DatabaseREST: StoreRespond Participantwith and Automation Composition Type information\nincluding ACM Element Type Monitoringinformation and StatisticsPriming report

alt Fault reported on Participant   ACM_RuntimeStatus


3. Instantiation Dialogues

Instantiation dialogues are used to create, set parameters on, instantiate, update, and remove Automation Composition instances.

3.1 Create an Automation Composition Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

REST -> ACM_Runtime: logCreate faultAutomation onComposition ParticipantInstance   ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Record fault on Participant

loop Over allfor\nspecified Automation Composition Type with\nspecified parameter values

alt Automation Composition Elements in Participant ReportInstance exists
 alt altAutomation FaultComposition reportedInstance onis Automationnot Compositionin Elementstate  UNDEPLOYED
   ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeREST: log fault on Automation Composition Element and Automation Composition     ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Record fault on Automation Composition Element and Automation Composition   end

3.2 Viewing of Monitoring Information

PlantUML Macro
participant REST participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

== Overview of all Automation Composition Instances == RESTAutomation Composition instance exists and is already deployed
  note right of REST
   Updates on "Not In Service" Automation Composition Instances are allowed
  end note
alt Specified Automation Composition Type Exists
 alt Specified Automation Composition Type is in state PRIMED
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeDatabase: Read allStore Automation Composition InstancesInstance
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read allSet Automation Composition Instances Instance State to UNDEPLOYED
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: All Automation Composition Instances returned REST Instance Created
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: DisplayAutomation overviewComposition ofType statusis ofnot allin Automationstate CompositionPRIMED
== Details of a Automation Composition Instance == REST ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeREST: Read Automation Composition Type Elementsis for Automation Composition Instance ACM_Runtimenot found


Note that this dialogue creates the Automation Composition Instance in the ACM database. The instance is sent to the participants using the process described in the dialogue in Section 3.3.

3.2 Delete an Automation Composition Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

REST -> ACM_Database: ReadRuntime: Delete Automation Composition Instance

alt Automation Composition Instance Elementsexists
 foralt Automation Composition Instance ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Elements returned RESTis not in state UNDEPLOYED
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Display status of Automation Composition Elementsinstance inexists Automationand Compositionis Instancedeployed
== Overview of all Participants == REST -> ACM_Runtime: Read all participantsACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition instance does not exist
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Delete ReadAutomation allComposition participantsInstance
 ACM_Runtime -> REST: AllAutomation participantsComposition returned REST -> REST: Display overview of status of all participants

== Details of Instance Deleted


3.3 Deploy Automation Composition Instance

The user requests the AC Instance to be deployed using a REST endpoint. The ACM Runtime orders the AC Instance to be deployed to Participants.

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participants
database ACM_Database 

a Participant == REST -> ACM_Runtime: ReadDeploy Automation Composition Elements for Participant Instance
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Instance Information

alt Automation Composition Elements for ParticipantInstance exists
 alt Automation Composition Instance is deployed
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation Composition Elements returned REST instance is already deployed
  ACM_Runtime -> Participants: [ASYNC] Deploy AC Element Instances for this AC Instance
  ACM_Runtime -> RESTACM_Database: Set DisplayAC statusInstance ofand Automationits CompositionAC ElementsElement in Participant

== Filtered Monitoring == RESTInstances to state DEPLOYING
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: SetDeployment filter forof Automation Composition Instances,Instance Automationhas Compositionbeen Elements, and Participants RESTrequested
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeREST: Read Automation Composition instance Elementsdoes not exist


Each participant deploys its AC Element Instances from the AC Instance.

PlantUML Macro
participantthat match filter ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Elements that match filter 
participant Participant
participant Participant_API

ACM_Runtime -> RESTParticipant: Automation[ASYNC] CompositionDeploy ElementsAC thatElement matchInstances filterfor returnedthis RESTAC -> REST: Display status of Automation Composition Elements that match filter


3.2 Viewing of Statistics

PlantUML Macro
participant REST participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

== Statistics of all Automation Composition Instances == REST -> ACM_Runtime: Read summary statistics for all Automation Composition InstancesInstance 

loop over AC Element Instances in AC Instance
 alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Instance\nmatch my Participant ID?
  alt Is this AC Element Instance already deployed
   ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Compile summary statistics for all Automation Composition Instances ACM_Runtime<- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element is already deployed
   Participant -> REST: Summary statistics for all Automation Composition Instances returned REST -> REST: Display summary statistics for all Automation Composition Instances

== Statistics of a Automation Composition Instance == REST -> ACM_Runtime: Read statistics for Automation Composition Elements for Automation Composition Instance ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Compile statistics for Automation Composition Elements for Automation Composition Instance ACM_Runtime -> REST: Statistics for Automation Composition Elements returned REST -> REST: Display statistics for Automation Composition Elements in Automation Composition Instance

== Statistics of all Participants == REST -> ACM_Runtime: Read summary statistics for all Automation Composition Instances ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Compile summary statistics for all Automation Composition Instances ACM_Runtime -> REST: Summary statistics for all Automation Composition Instances returned REST -> REST: Display summary statistics for all Automation Composition Instances

== Statistics of a Participant == REST -> ACM_Runtime: Read statistics for Automation Composition Elements for Participant ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read statistics for Automation Composition Elements for ParticipantParticipant_API: Deploy AC Element Instance
   activate Participant_API
   Participant <- Participant_API: AC Element Instance Deploy Response
   deactivate Participant_API
   alt AC Element deployed successfully
    Participant -> Participant: Set AC Element Instance administrative state to LOCKED
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element has been deployed
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] ERROR: AC Element was not deployed
  note left of Participant
   Ignore this AC Element instance as its for another participant 
  end note


The ACM Runtime receives and stores the responses.

PlantUML Macro

participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database 

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Deploy Automation Composition Element Instance Response
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Store Automation Composition Element Instance Response Information

alt Is AC Element Instance Deployed?
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Set AC Element Instance State as DEPLOYED
 alt Are all the other AC Element Instances in this AC Instance in state DEPLOYED?
  ACM_Runtime -> RESTACM_Runtime: StatisticsSet forAC AutomationInstance Compositionstate Elementsas DEPLOYED


3.4 Undeploy Automation Composition Instance

The user requests the AC Instance to be undeployed using a REST endpoint. The ACM Runtime orders the AC Instance to be undeployed.

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participants
database ACM_Database 

returned REST -> REST: Display statistics for Automation Composition Elements in Participant

== Filtered Statistics == REST -> RESTACM_Runtime: Set filterUndeploy for Automation Composition Instances, Automation Composition Elements, and Participants RESTInstance
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeDatabase: Read statistics for Automation Composition Elements that match filter ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read statistics for Automation Composition Elements that match filterInstance Information

alt Automation Composition Instance exists
 alt Automation Composition Instance administrative state is not LOCKED
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Automation StatisticsComposition forinstance Automationexists Compositionand Elementsis thatnot matchLOCKED
 returned RESTACM_Runtime -> REST: Display statistics for Automation Composition Elementsinstance thatdoes matchnot filterexist


3.3 Statistics Housekeeping

PlantUML Macro
participant end
database ACM_Database

== Automation Composition Instance Statistics ==

loop forever   -> Participants: [ASYNC] Undeploy AC Element Instances for this AC Instance
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: ReadMark Automationthis CompositionAC Instance Statistics   and its AC Element Instances as UNDEPLOYING
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeREST: SummariseUndeployment of Automation Composition Instance has Statistics  been requested


Each participant undeploys its AC Element Instances from the AC Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Store summarised Automation Composition Instance Statistics   
participant Participant
participant Participant_API

ACM_Runtime -> ACM_DatabaseParticipant: Delete[ASYNC] AutomationUndeploy CompositionAC InstanceElement StatisticsInstances onfor whichthis retention period has expired

== Participant Statistics ==

loop forever   ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Participant Statistics   ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Summarise Participant Statistics   ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Store summarised Participant Statistics  AC Instance

loop over AC Element Instances in AC Instance
 alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Instance\nmatch my Participant ID?
  alt Does this AC Element Instance exist?
   ACM_Runtime <-> ACM_DatabaseParticipant: Delete Participant Statistics on which retention period has expired


4. Supervision Dialogues

Supervision dialogues are used to check the state of Automation Composition Instances and Participants.

4.1 Supervise Participants

[ASYNC] WARN: AC Element does not exist
  else Is this administrative state of this AC Element Instance LOCKED
   Participant -> Participant_API: Undeploy AC Element Instance
   activate Participant_API
   Participant <- Participant_API: Undeploy AC Element Instance Response
   deactivate Participant_API
   ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element undeployed successfully
   note left of Participant
    Undeploy always returns success
   end note
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element is already undeployed
  note left of Participant
   Ignore this AC Element instance as its for another participant 
  end note


The ACM Runtime receives and stores the responses.

PlantUML Macro

participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database 

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Undeploy Automation Composition Element Instance Response
PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

loop forever   ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Participants
  loop Over each Participant
    alt Participant has not reported in last reporting window        ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Log Participant as having missed a report        ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Increment missed report counter on Participant
       alt Participant has exceeded alarm threshold on missed report counter           ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Raise a Participant Offline alarm on participant           ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Mark participant as being offline
    else Participant has reported in last reporting window        ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Store ClearAutomation missedComposition reportElement counterInstance onResponse ParticipantInformation

alt Is AC Element Instance undeployed?
 ACM_Runtime  alt Participant marked as being offline           ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Clear Participant Offline alarm on participant          -> ACM_Database: Mark AC Element Instance as UNDEPLOYED
  alt Are all the other AC Element Instances in this AC Instance in state UNDEPLOYED?
   ACM_Runtime -> ACM_DatabaseRuntime: MarkSet participantAC asInstance beingstate online





5 Read Automation Composition Instances

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
database ACM_Database

loop forever   ACM_RuntimeREST -> ACM_DatabaseRuntime: ReadGet Automation Composition Instance Information Instances
ACM_Runtime  loop Over each -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Instance Information
    loop Over each Automation Composition Element
      alt Automation Composition Element has not reported in last reporting window          ACM_RuntimeACM_Runtime -> REST: Respond with Automation Composition Instance information\nincluding ACM Element Instance information\nand admin, operational, and usage state


3.6 Unlock Automation Composition Instance

The user requests the AC Instance to be unlocked using a REST endpoint. The ACM Runtime orders the AC Instance to be unlocked on Participants.

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participants
database ACM_Database 

REST -> ACM_Runtime: LogUnlock Automation Composition Element as having missed a report          ACMInstance
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: IncrementRead missedAutomation reportComposition counter onInstance Information

alt Automation Composition Instance Element
      else Automation Composition Element has reported in last reporting window          ACMexists
 alt Automation Composition Instance administrative state is LOCKED
  ACM_Runtime -> Participants: [ASYNC] Unlock AC Element Instances for this AC Instance
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: ClearMark missedAC reportInstance counterand onits Automation CompositionAC Element
 Instances as    endUnlocking
  ACM_Runtime -> REST: Unlocking altof Automation Composition ElementInstance inhas incorrectbeen state in last reporting window        requested
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeREST: Log Automation Composition Elementinstance asis beingnot in incorrect state         locked
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_DatabaseREST: Record Automation Composition Elementinstance asdoes being in incorrect state
      else Automation Composition Element not in incorrect state in last reporting window
        alt Automation Composition Element was in incorrect state on previous report           ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Log Automation Composition Element as being in correct state           ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Record Automation Composition Element as being in correct state
      alt Automation Composition Element reported fault in last reporting window         ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Log Automation Composition Element as being faulty         ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Record Automation Composition Element as being faulty
      else Automation Composition Element did not report fault in last reporting window
        alt Automation Composition Element reported fault on previous report           ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Log Automation Composition Element fault as cleared           ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Mark fault Automation Composition Element as being cleared
    alt Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on missed report counter      not exist


Each participant unlocks its AC Element Instances from the AC Instance.

PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
participant Participant_API

ACM_Runtime -> Participant: [ASYNC] Unlock AC Element Instances for this AC Instance 

loop over AC Element Instances in AC Instance
 alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Instance\nmatch my Participant ID?
  alt Is this AC Element Instance administrative state not LOCKED
   ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element is not LOCKED
   Participant -> Participant_API: Unlock AC Element Instance
   activate Participant_API
   Participant <- Participant_API: Unlock AC Element Instance Response
   deactivate Participant_API
   alt AC Element unlocked successfully
    Participant -> Participant: Set AC Element Instance administrative state to UNLOCKED
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element has been unlocked
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] ERROR: AC Element was not unlocked
  note left of participant
   Ignore this AC Element instance as its for another participant 
  end note


The ACM Runtime receives and stores the responses.

PlantUML Macro

participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database 

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Unlock Automation Composition Element Instance Response
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Store Automation Composition Element Instance Response Information

alt Is AC Element Instance Unlocked?
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Raise a Automation Composition Offline alarm on Automation Composition Instance      Database: Set AC Element Instance administrative state as UNLOCKED
 alt Have all the other AC Element Instances in this AC Instance been UNLOCKED?
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_DatabaseRuntime: Set MarkAC AutomationInstance Compositionadministrative Instancestate as UNLOCKED


3.7 Lock Automation Composition Instance

The user requests the AC Instance to be locked using a REST endpoint. The ACM Runtime orders the AC Instance to be locked on Participants.

PlantUML Macro
participant REST
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participants
database ACM_Database 

REST -> ACM_Runtime: Lockbeing offline
    else No Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on missed report counter
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Read Automation Composition Instance Information

alt Automation Composition Instance exists
 alt Automation Composition Instance markedadministrative asstate being offline          is UNLOCKED
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeParticipants: Clear[ASYNC] AutomationLock CompositionAC InstanceElement OfflineInstances alarmfor onthis Automation Composition          AC Instance
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Mark Automation CompositionAC Instance asand beingits online
AC Element Instances as    endLocking
  ACM_Runtime -> end
REST: Locking   altof Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance inhas incorrectbeen state in last reporting window      requested
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeREST: Log Automation Composition Instanceinstance asis beingnot in incorrect state       unlocked
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_DatabaseREST: Record Automation Composition Instanceinstance asdoes being in incorrect state
      alt Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on incorrect state reports         ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Raise a Automation Composition Instance in Incorrect State alarm on Automation Composition Instance         ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Mark Automation Composition Instance as being in an incorrect state
    else No Automation Composition Element in incorrect state in last reporting window
      alt Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance was in incorrect state on previous report         ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Log Automation Composition Instance as being in correct state         ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: Record Automation Composition Instance as being in correct state
        alt Automation Composition Instance in Incorrect State alarm raised on Automation Composition Instance           ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Clear Automation Composition Instance in Incorrect State alarm on Automation Composition Instance
    alt Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance reported a fault in last reporting window       not exist


Each participant locks its AC Element Instances from the AC Instance.

PlantUML Macro
participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
participant Participant_API

ACM_Runtime -> Participant: [ASYNC] Lock AC Element Instances for this AC Instance 

loop over AC Element Instances in AC Instance
 alt Does the primed Participant ID on this AC Element Instance\nmatch my Participant ID?
  alt Is this AC Element Instance administrative state not UNLOCKED
   ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] WARN: AC Element is not UNLOCKED
   Participant -> Participant: Set AC Element Instance administrative state to SHUTTING_DOWN
   Participant -> Participant_API: Lock AC Element Instance
   activate Participant_API
   Participant <- Participant_API: Lock AC Element Instance Response
   deactivate Participant_API
   alt AC Element locked successfully
    Participant -> Participant: Set AC Element Instance administrative state to LOCKED
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] INFO: AC Element has been locked
    ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] ERROR: AC Element was not locked
  note left of participant
   Ignore this AC Element instance as its for another participant 
  end note


The ACM Runtime receives and stores the responses.

PlantUML Macro

participant ACM_Runtime
participant Participant
database ACM_Database 

ACM_Runtime <- Participant: [ASYNC] Lock Automation Composition Element Instance Response
ACM_Runtime -> ACM_RuntimeDatabase: LogStore Automation Composition Element Instance as being faulty       Response Information

alt Is AC Element Instance Locked?
 ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Database: RecordSet AutomationAC CompositionElement Instance administrative state as being faultyLOCKED
 alt Have all the other altAC AutomationElement Composition ElementInstances in Automation Composition Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on faulty reports        this AC Instance been LOCKED?
  ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Raise a Automation CompositionSet AC Instance Faultyadministrative alarmstate onas AutomationLOCKED
 Composition Instance
    else No Automation Composition Element faulty in last reporting window
      alt Automation Composition Element in Automation Composition Instance was faulty on previous report         ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Log Automation Composition Instance as being fault free         ACM_Runtimeend


3.8 Update Operational State on Automation Composition Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant Participant_API
participant Participant
participant ACM_Runtime

Participant_API -> Participant_API: Perform Operation that Updates Operational State
activate Participant_API
deactivate Participant_API

Participant_API -> Participant: Operational State has been updated
Participant -> Participant: Update Operational State in ACM Element Instance

== Periodically with Heartbeat ==
Participant -> ACM_DatabaseRuntime: [ASYNC] RecordHeartbeat Automationmessage Compositionincluding\nstatus Instanceand asstates beingof faultAC free
Element Instances on Participant 


3.9 Update Usage State on Automation Composition Instance

PlantUML Macro
participant Participant_API
participant Participant
participant  alt Automation Composition Instance Faulty alarm raised on Automation Composition Instance           ACM_Runtime -> ACM_Runtime: Clear Automation Composition Instance Faulty alarm on Automation Composition Instance

Participant_API -> Participant_API: Perform Operation that Updates Usage State
activate Participant_API
deactivate Participant_API

Participant_API -> Participant: Usage State has been updated
Participant -> Participant: Update Usage State in ACM Element Instance

== Periodically with Heartbeat ==
Participant -> ACM_Runtime: [ASYNC] Heartbeat message including\nstatus and states of AC Element Instances on Participant 
