Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Note: Due to the resource issue, this SOL002 Adapter is moved to the Honolulu release under REQ-400.


SOL002 Adapter is similar ETSI adapter as SOL003 and SOL005 that does conversion of ONAP functionality to ETSI MANO functionality and back. Architecture and placement in ONAP should be inline with other ETSI adapters and all common functionality should be shared and implemented just ones e.g.


Gliffy Diagram
nameONAP ETSI Alignment SOL002 VNF Indicator interface

Feature Descriptions



SOL002 Adapter subscribes and consumes VNF LCM notifications from VNFM

SOL002 Adapter utilizes VNFM exposed SOL002 VNF LCM interface to subscribe LCM Notifications:

  • SOL002 Adapter subscribes LCM notifications at startup (e.g. listen all notifications)
  • SOL002 Adapter receives LCM notification and emits event to DCAE e.g. for Policy to consume
  • User should model action Policy to react to these events on ONAP side
  • Based on modeled action some operation can be done. E.g. with ONAP Controller to configure VNF. Clean Close loop etc.
SOL002 Adapter executes VNF LCM operations towards VNFM

SOL002 Adapter utilizes VNFM exposed SOL002 VNF LCM interface:

  • ONAP DCAE/Policy executes Close Loop based on VNF or VNFC level events
  • ONAP Controller or SOL002 Adapter directly can react to Policy trigger as Policy actor to perform LCM operation for VNF
  • SOL002 Adapter is used to translate LCM action to SOL002 interface format towards external VNFM
  • External VNFM performs VNF resource changes (VNFC or VNF level)
SOL002 Adapter receives subscription and sends VNF Indicator notifications to VNFM

SOL002 Adapter exposes VNF Indicator subscription endpoint and sends Indicator notifications to external VNFM:

  • VNFM calls SOL002 Adapter to subscribe VNF Indicator notifications
  • SOL002 Adapter stores subscriptions according to standard
  • SOL002 Adapter starts to listen DMaaP events based on subscription
  • SOL002 Adapter consumes any matching events and translates events to SOL002 Indicator notification and sends to subscriber

Epic and User Story


User Story


Is Guilin?JIRA

Epic: SOL002 Adapter will support EM-triggered VNF/VNFC Management


SOL002 Adapter subscribes and consumes VNF LCM notifications from VNFM

SOL002 Adapter utilizes VNFM exposed SOL002 VNF LCM interface to subscribe LCM Notifications:

  • SOL002 Adapter subscribes LCM notifications at startup (e.g. listen all notifications)
  • SOL002 Adapter receives LCM notification and emits VES event to
  • DCAE e.g. for Policy to consume
  • User should model action Policy to react to these events on ONAP side
  • Based on modeled action some operation can be done. E.g. with ONAP Controller to configure VNF
. Clean
  • , clean Close loop etc.




SOL002 Adapter executes VNF LCM operations towards VNFM

SOL002 Adapter utilizes VNFM exposed SOL002 VNF LCM interface:

  • ONAP DCAE/Policy executes Close Loop based on VNF or VNFC level events
  • ONAP Controller or SOL002 Adapter directly can react to Policy trigger as Policy actor to perform LCM operation for VNF
  • SOL002 Adapter is used to translate LCM action to SOL002 interface format towards external VNFM
  • External VNFM performs VNF resource changes (VNFC or VNF level)
SOL002 Adapter receives subscription and sends VNF Indicator notifications to VNFM

SOL002 Adapter exposes VNF Indicator subscription endpoint and sends Indicator notifications to external VNFM:

  • VNFM calls SOL002 Adapter to subscribe VNF Indicator notifications
  • SOL002 Adapter stores subscriptions according to standard
  • SOL002 Adapter starts to listen DMaaP events based on subscription
  • SOL002 Adapter consumes any matching events and translates events to SOL002 Indicator notification and sends to subscriber
Documentation for SOL002 Adapter featuresDocumentation for SOL002 Adapter features


SOL002 Adapter Architecture


  1. SOL002Adapter will be the SO microservice component

  2. SOL002Adapter will be registered in the Microservice Bus (via helm chart)
  3. SOL002Adapter will be registered manually in the External System Register
  4. SOL002Adapter on startup will use ESR to get external VNFM data
  5. SOL002Adapter on startup will register in VNFM for all LCM notifications
  6. BPMN will trigger LCM operation which will go to SOL003Adapter
  7. SOL003Adapter triggers the LCM flow in VNFM
  8. ETSI LCM notification is sent from VNFM and goes to SOL002Adapter
  9. SOL002Adapter will query A&AI to get VNF data
  10. SOL002Adapter will construct and publish ONAP event via DCAE/DMaaP. At the current phase it will be DMaaP event t but later on it will evolve to VES event.
  11. Policy will consume DMaaP event
  12. Policy will call configuration component to configure VNF
  13. For the integration testing, the VNFM Simulator in the CSIT container will be used


The following SOL002 operations will be supported:

API ActionActorMethodURIDescription
Subscribe for LCM notificationsSOL002 Adapter → VNFM POST
/vnflcm/v1/subscriptions (LccnSubscriptionRequest)
To create subscription for LCM notification
Notify on VNF lifecycle changesVNFM → SOL002 AdapterPOST
/lcm/v1/vnf/instances/notifications (VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification)
To notify SOL002 adapter on VNF lifecycle changes

SOL002 Operation Sequence Flows


SOL002 Adapter continue to be part of SO. Later on it has to be moved to other component (e.g. GNFC).

DMaaP Message Format

Below is a message (the values are sample) sent over to DMaaP.

Code Block
  "closedLoopControlName": "ClosedLoopControlName",
  "closedLoopAlarmStart": 1589825445,
  "closedLoopEventClient": "microservice.stringmatcher",
  "closedLoopEventStatus": "ONSET",
  "requestID": "8478ff7d-409d-4b7d-b932-f09ab54765ab",
  "target_type": "VNF",
  "target": "generic-vnf.vnf-id",
  "AAI": {
    "": false,
    "vserver.vserver-name": "<vServerName>",
    "generic-vnf.vnf-id": "<genericId>"
  "from": "ETSI",
  "version": "1.0.2",
  "etsiLcmEvent": {
    "id": "63e446ab-bb42-48aa-ad1f-bf20f6710623",
    "notificationType": "VnfLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification",
    "subscriptionId": null,
    "timeStamp": null,
    "notificationStatus": "RESULT",
    "operationState": "COMPLETED",
    "vnfInstanceId": "2124DEPF",
    "operation": "INSTANTIATE",
    "isAutomaticInvocation": null,
    "vnfLcmOpOccId": "86d3de41-a7f7-48eb-9868-5b103dc36d26",
    "affectedVnfcs": [
        "id": "abc123",
        "vduId": "vdu987",
        "changeType": "ADDED",
        "computeResource": {
          "vimConnectionId": "vim001"
    "affectedVirtualLinks": null,
    "affectedVirtualStorages": null,
    "changedInfo": null,
    "changedExtConnectivity": null,
    "error": null,
    "_links": {
      "vnfInstance": {
        "href": "https://so-vnfm-simulator.onap:9093/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/2124DEPF"
      "subscription": null,
      "vnfLcmOpOcc": {
        "href": "https://so-vnfm-simulator.onap:9093/vnflcm/v1/vnf_lcm_op_occs/86d3de41-a7f7-48eb-9868-5b103dc36d26"