Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Ensure that your artifacts inherit from O-Parent (oparent)
    • If not possible, please maintain your own implementations of the various configurations and checks provided by oparent
  • Remove all external SNAPSHOT dependencies
    • External = cross-project (including oparent) or 3rd party
    • Check version manifest at for the right version to use for your cross-project dependencies
    • If your upstream cross-project dependencies haven't entered their artifacts in the manifest above, please contact the respective project team to get them to version/release their artifacts and add their entries to the manifest
    • Remove ecomp-staging Nexus repo from your local ~/.m2/settings.xml repositories list; all release-versioned artifact dependencies should be fulfilled from the ecomp-releases repo only going forward
  • Set up gerrit-releasemaven-version jobs stage (staging jobsjob from global-jjb) to deploy candidate artifacts to Staging in Nexus2
    • Generates candidate “autorelease-xxxx” directories in Nexus
    • Ensure that your file has the right version number defined for the intended release
  • Ensure that the staging jobs above have completed and generated candidate artifacts
  • Perform any necessary testing against the candidate artifacts
  • Email helpdesk@onapCreate a service request to LF Releng ( to select request a candidate as formal release artifactrelease of the staging candidate
  • Update the declared version numbers for your respective artifacts in the java version manifest:
  • Update the CHANGELOG to describe the changes that were part of this release
    • TBD: CHANGELOG structure and update process is being developed by the Documentation project
  • Bump your own version numbers for ongoing development

Docker Images Release Process


Docker image release process:

  • Set up gerrit-maven-docker staging jobs -stage (docker staging job from global-jjb) to produce the STAGING docker images.
  • Ensure that the docker staging jobs have completed and generated candidate artifacts
  • Perform any necessary testing against the candidate artifacts
  • Create a service request to LF Releng ( to request a release of the staging candidateEmail to select a candidate as formal release artifact
  • Update the declared version number for your docker image in the docker version manifest:
  • Update the CHANGELOG to describe the changes that were part of this release
    • TBD: CHANGELOG structure and update process is being developed by the Documentation project
  • Bump your own version numbers for ongoing development
    • Staging/Release version in
