Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


61 high/highest

4x Doc Jira Tickets

14x Doc Jira Tickets

Project NameProject Tech. LeadM0 Kick-Off/Intention Submission




Functionality freeze


API Freeze

Code Freeze


Release Candidate 0


Release Candidate 1


Release Candidate 2


Release Delivery

1A & AI Dec 3, 2018

AAI R4 M1 Release Planning

AAI R4 M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist

AAI R4 M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

AAI R4 Deliverables for RC0 Milestone Checklist

AAI R4 Deliverables for RC1 Milestone Checklist

4 Docs jiras - recently updates

2Application Authorization FrameworkDec 3, 2018AAF R4 - M1 Release Plan
AAF R4 - M1 Milestone Checklist
AAF R4 - M2 Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist
Condition: aaf-authz @55% by M3

AAF R4 -M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist

Conditions: Obtain coverage goal by M4 - Failing Sonar coverage: aaf-authz

Need to update the checklist including Modeling Checklist item

Inprocess Gerrit:

AAF R4 - M4 Deliverable for Code Freeze Milestone Checklist

AAF R4 (Dublin) - RC0 Milestone Checklist

TSC waiver for Dublin release sought: Sonar goal miss: aaf-authz

AAF R4 - RC1 Milestone Checklist

TSC waiver for Dublin release sought: Sonar goal miss: aaf-authz

3APPCYes, per default

APPC Dublin M1 Release Planning

APPC Dublin M1 Checklist

APPC Dublin M1 Security Checklist

APPC Dublin M2 Functionality Freeze Checklist

APPC Dublin M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist Template

APPC Dubin M4 Code Freeze Milestone Checklist Template

APPC Dublin RC0 Milestone Checklist Template

APPC Dublin RC1 Milestone Checklist Template

2 high/highest - no update in last week

4CLAMPYes, per defaultCLAMP R4 - M1 Release Planning
CLAMP R4 - M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist
CLAMP R4 - M2 Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

CLAMP R4 - M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist

Checklist complete - no swagger API doc

CLAMP R4 - RC0 Milestone ChecklistCLAMP R4 - RC1 Milestone ChecklistCLAMP R4 - RC2 Milestone Checklist
5Common Controller SDKYes, per default

CCSDK : Dublin: Release Planning

CCSDK : Dublin M1 : Deliverables for Planning Milestone

CCSDK : Dublin M2 : Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

Condition: All repos unit test coverage > 55% by M3

CCSDK : Dublin M3 : API Freeze Milestone Checklist

Conditions: Unmet Sonar goal: passes as of 2019-04-09

CCSDK : Dublin RC1 : Deliverables for RC1 Milestone Checklist

6DCAEDec 5, 2018

DCAE R4 M1 Release Planning

DCAE R4 M1 Milestone Checklist

DCAE R4 M2 Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

DCAE R4 M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist

Waiver requested, defer coverage goal (55%) for several items until M4:




DCAE R4 RC0 Milestone Checklist

DCAE R4 RC1 Milestone Checklist

1 Doc Jira Ticket

Below Sonar Goal: dcae-d dt-be-main dublin,  dcae-d dt-be-main master
7DMaaPMandar SawantYes, per defaultDMaaP R4 - M1 Release Planning
DMaaP R4 - M1 Milestone Checklist
DMaaP R4 - M2 Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist Condition: All repos unit test coverage > 55% by M3, non-root post Dublin

DMaaP R4 - M3 API Freeze Milestone Checklist

Gerrit- Review

Modeling request for data model: "waiting on modeling team."

DMaap R4 - M4 Code Freeze Milestone Checklist

Swagger docs by RC2

DMaaP R4 - RC0 Milestone Checklist

DMaaP R4 - RC1 Milestone Checklist

8DocumentationYes, per default

Planning worksheet

M1 Documentation Dublin Release

MS2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist Template

Condition: Followup to document the doc deliverables overtime so that rel_mgmt can support the deliverables

Moving to weekly documentation report... no checklist

9External API FrameworkDec 5, 2018Planning worksheet
M1 Checklist

[ExtAPI] Dublin M3 API Freeze Milestone Checklist

ExtAPI Dublin M4 Code Freeze Milestone Checklist

Project needs help getting signed certificates

ExtAPI Dublin RC0 Checklist

[ExtAPI] Dublin RC1 Checklist

2x Doc Jira Tickets

10HolmesDec 3, 2018

Holmes Release Planning for Dublin

Holmes Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist for Dublin

Holmes Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist for Dublin
Condition: holmes-common @55% by M3 (TBC) Non-root by 2019-02-28

Holmes Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist for Dublin

Holmes Deliverables for Code Freeze Milestone Checklist Template for Dublin

Moving some stories to next release due to lack of resource. No impact existing func.

Holmes Deliverables for RC0 Milestone for Dublin

Holmes Deliverables for RC1 Milestone for Dublin



Yes, per default

Integration Dublin M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist

Integration Dublin M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist
Provide status on the plan to close the blocker(s).

Integration Dublin M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist

Need to understand if Integration has sufficient lab capacity for Dublin and a quick to follow maintenance release.

Integration Dublin M4 Deliverable for Code Freeze Milestone ChecklistIntegration Dublin RC0 Milestone Checklist


Logging Enhancements Project

Including POMBA

Nov 16, 2018Logging Dublin M1 Release Planning
Logging Dublin Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist
Logging Dublin M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

Logging Dublin M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist Template

Checklist complete. No swagger API data

Logging Dublin M4 Deliverable for Code Freeze Milestone Checklist Template

Uncertain docs plans

Logging Dublin RC0 Deliverables for RC0 Milestone Checklist

109 Open Dublin Jira tickets

P-W testing status RED

Logging Dublin RC1 Deliverables for RC1 Milestone Checklist

13Microservices BusNov 30, 2018

MSB Release Planning for Dublin

MSB Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist for Dublin

MSB Dubin Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist-M2

MSB Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist for Dublin

MSB Deliverables for RC0 Milestone for Dublin

MSB Deliverables for RC1 Milestone for Dublin

14ModelingDec 3, 2018Modeling Dublin Planning
Modeling Dublin Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist

Modeling Dublin Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

Condition: unit test coverage > 55% by M3

Modeling Dublin Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist

Condition: meet 55% coverage goal by M4

Sonar reporting warning: modeling-toscaparsers-javatoscachecker

Modeling Dublin Deliverables for RC0 Milestone Checklist

Modeling Dublin Deliverables for RC1 Milestone Checklist

15Multi VIM/CloudDec 3, 2018

MultiCloud Dublin Release Planning

Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist

Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

  1. Conditions: Get all remaining unit test code coverage > 55% by M3
  2. Plan to design container(s) as non-root: M3 Dublin

MultiCloud R4 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist


Need to add Modeling checklist item

Review gerrit (stale merges)

MultiCloud R4 Deliverable for Code Freeze Milestone Checklist

MultiCloud Deliverables for RC0 Milestone Checklist

TSC waiver for Dublin release sought: Sonar multicloud-azure below target

MultiCloud R4 Deliverables for RC1 Milestone Checklist

TSC waiver for Dublin release sought: Sonar multicloud-azure below target

16MUSICYes, per default

MUSIC Dublin Release Planning

MUSIC Dublin M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist

MUSIC Dublin M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist Template Condition: unit test coverage > 55% by M3.

MUSIC Dublin M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist

MUSIC Dublin M4 Code Freeze Milestone Checklist

MUSIC Dublin RC0 Milestone Checklist

Below Sonar goal: MUSIC
17ONAP CLIDec 3, 2018

Dublin-M1-CLI Deliverable

Dublin-M1-CLI Release planning


Dublin-M3 checklist

Need to update the checklist including Modeling and additional Integration Checklist item

Dublin M4 Code Freeze Milestone Checklist

Dublin-RC0 Milestone Checklist

1 High ticket to be finalized by 5/18

Old version in Dublin - 


18ONAP Operations ManagerDec 3, 2018OOM - 18ONAP Operations ManagerDec 3, 2018OOM - Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist
OOM Dublin Release Planning Template

OOM Dublin - M2 Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

OOM Dublin - M2 Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

OOM Dublin - M3 API Freeze Milestone Checklist

OOM Dublin - M3 API Freeze Milestone Checklist

-Review gerrit:

See mitigation efforts for 20+ reviews - 5 are pending manual HC/pods results, one merge conflict

a couple are transitioning between developers OOM Meeting Notes - 2019-03-13

OOM Dublin - RC0 Milestone Deliverables Checklist


OOM Dublin - RC1 Milestone Deliverables Checklist1x Doc Jira Ticket

19ONAP Optimization FrameworkDec 3, 2018OOF Dublin M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist
OOF Dublin M1 Release Planning
OOF Dublin M2 Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist Condition: unit test coverage > 55% by M3

OOF Dublin M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist

Checklist complete.

Conditional: Complete unit test coverage goal by M4 for HAS and CMSO


OOF Dublin RC0 Milestone Checklist4

3 high/highest

- 2 issues with no updates in last 2 weeks1x Doc Jira Ticket

- one no update in 3 wks (vulnerability) 


20ONAP Usecase UIYes, per default

Usecase-UI Beijing Release Planning

Dublin Release M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist

UUI Dublin M2 Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

Dublin Release M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist

UUI Dublin M4 Code Freeze Milestone Checklist

Dublin Release Deliverables for RC0 Milestone Checklist

Dublin Release Deliverables for RC1 Milestone Checklist

2x Doc Jira Tickets

21Policy FrameworkDec 3, 2018

Policy R4 Dublin M1 Release Planning

Policy R4 Dublin M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Template

Policy R4 Dublin M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist Template

Policy R4 Dublin M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist Template

Policy R4 Dublin M4 Deliverable for Code Freeze Milestone Checklist Template

Policy R4 Dublin RC0 Deliverables for RC0 Milestone Checklist Template

P-W testing

Policy R4 Dublin RC1 Deliverables for RC1 Milestone Checklist Template

1xDoc Jira Ticket

22Portal PlatformNov 30, 2018Portal R4 M1 Release Planning (Dublin Release)
Portal R4 M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist (Dublin Release)
Portal R4 M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist Dependency on OOM for non-root testing; other dependencies articulated in the risks

Portal R4 M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist

Need to update the checklist including Integration & Modeling Checklist items

Portal R4 M4 for Code Freeze Milestone Checklist

Portal R4 RC0 Milestone Checklist

Portal R4 RC1 Milestone Checklist

4 open high/highest with

updates months old

one no update since Feb 


23SDN-CYes, per default

SDNC : Dublin: Release Planning

SDNC : Dublin M1 : Deliverables for Planning Milestone

SDNC : Dublin M2 : Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

SDNC : Dublin RC0 : Deliverables for RC0 Milestone Checklist

Update certificate in RC1

SDNC : Dublin RC1 : Deliverables for RC1 Milestone Checklist

2 high in Submitted state

Certificate is updated

24Service Design & CreationDec 4, 2018

SDC R4 Release Planning

SDC R4 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist

SDC R4 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

Condition: unit test coverage > 55% by M3

SDC R4 Deliverable for Code Freeze Milestone Checklist

SDC R4 Deliverables for RC0 Milestone Checklist

Sonar below goal: sdc master

SDC R4 Deliverables for RC1 Milestone Checklist

Waiver requested: Sonar below goal: sdc master

Sonar below goal: sdc mastersdc dublin,  sdc-sdc-distribution-client master
25Service OrchestratorDec 2, 2018

SO Dublin M1 Release Planning

SO Dublin M1 Checklist

Service Orchsttrator M2 Checklist

SO Dublin RC0: Deliverables for RC0 Milestone Checklist Template

SO Dublin RC1 Milestone Checklist Template

4 high/highest defects

26VF-C: Virtual Function ControllerDec 2, 2018

VF-C Dublin M1 Release Planning

VF-C Dublin: Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist

VF-C Dublin: Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist Template

VF-C Dublin: Deliverables for RC0 Milestone Checklist Template

DEPRECATED: Sonar warning (46%) on vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm-nokia-vnfmdriver

VF-C Dublin: Deliverables for RC1 Milestone Checklist Template

27VID projectDec 4, 2018

VID R4 M1 Release Planning

VID R4 M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist

VID R4 M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist

VID R4 M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist

Missing swagger API info

In -process Integration blockers:



VID R4 M4 Deliverable for Code Freeze Milestone Checklist

VID R4 RC0 Milestone Checklist

VID R4 RC1 Milestone Checklist

RC0 images available. Build broken while converting to global-jjb

28VNF SDKDec 2, 2018

VNF SDK Dublin Release Planning (M1)

VNF SDK Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Template(M1)

VNFSDK Dublin M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Checklist


Unit test coverage by M3

VNF SDK Dublin API Freeze(M3)

Unit test coverage low: VNFSDK refrepo: 52.3% now is 55.3%

VNF SDK Dublin Code Freeze (M4)

Dublin VNFSDK RC0 Checklist - Release Candidate 0 MilestoneDublin VNFSDK RC1 Checklist - Release Candidate 1 Milestone

29VNF RequirementsNov 16, 2018

Dublin Release Plan for VNFRQTS

M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Template

M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist VNFRQTSM3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone ChecklistM4 Deliverable for Code Freeze Milestone Checklist VNFRQTS

RC0 Milestone Checklist Template - VNFRQTS

RC1 Milestone - Checklist VNFRQTS

30VNF Validation (VVP)Nov 16, 2018

Dublin Release Plan for VVP

M1 Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Template 

M2 Deliverables for Functionality Freeze Milestone Checklist Template

M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist TemplateM4 Code Freeze Milestone Checklist Template for VVP

RC0 Milestone Checklist - VVP

RC1 Milestone Checklist -VVP
