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  1. Luke to start looking at Python 

    Shishir Thakore and Spondoon will look into resources for perf testing in the tlab - 

    For the RI talk to Vitaly Emporopulo about a logging abstraction they are working on -

    SDC-772 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    Look into zipkin conversation on the wiki

    Review ELK + Filebeat perf for MVP - (per pod - filebeat perf) and general ELK scaling (ES and LS)

    Propose minimum PKI for platform maturity

    Discuss canonicalization of the logs + human readable logs - look at what Luke Parker has done to expand on this  - next meeting's focus

    Ran deleting the reference configs from the logging repo - we will just go with what is in OOM as the reference - agreed upon.

  2. Notes from meet with Vitaly

    look at piinpoint apm

    q: difference between audit and metric (incoming/tracking across)

    meaning of invocation id

    we require stacktraces to be multiline - should only be normalized at the index point - otherwise we would need a log analyser

    For myself I need another review of the guidelines as we bring in the RI