See also:


AAF: Application Authorization Framework

AAI = A&AI: Active and Available Inventory (component of ONAP runtime)

AID: Architecture Integration Document

Akka: handles clustering (used OpenDaylight controllers)


Amsterdam: Code name for the first release of ONAP

APPC (formerly APP-C): Application Controller (part of ONAP)

Beijing: Code name for the second release of ONAP

BPEL: Business Process Execution Language (OASIS Standard)

BPMN: Business Process Model and Notation (Wikipedia) or Business Process Management Notation (ONAP.pdf)

BRMS: Business Rules Management System

BSS: Business Support System

CCSDK: Common Controller SDK project

CDAP: Cask Data Application Platform

CDS: Controller Design Studio

CDT: APPC Controller Design Tool


CI/CD: Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery

CIA: Container Images - see Project Docker/OCI Images - Best Practices and Tools

CL: Control Loop

CLAMP: Closed Loop Automation Management Platform (project)

CLI: Command Line Interface (project)

CMA: Change Management Application (within ONAP)

CNF: Cloud Native network Function. A network function implemented using cloud native principles such as micro services running in containers, immutable infrastructure, etc.

COE: Container Orchestration Engine



CPE: Customer Premise Equipment

CSAR: Cloud Service ARchive (link)

CSMF: Communication Service Management Function

DAO: Data Access Object (Wikipedia)

DCAE: Data Collection, Analytics and Events (component of ONAP runtime)

DDoS: Distributed Denial-of-Service attack  (Wikipedia)

DG: Directed Graph

DG Builder: Directed Graph Builder

Disconnect: (Vendor specific)


DMaaP: Data Movement as a Platform

DME: Direct Messaging Engine (common service within ONAP)

DNS: Domain Name System


DPDK: Data Plane Development Kit

Drools: Red Hat's Business Rules Management System solution

EELF: Event and Error-Logging Framework (common service within ONAP)

EMS: Element Management System (Wikipedia)

ESR: External System Register

ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute

EUAG: ONAP End User Advisory Group, i.e. telecom operators (

FCAPS: Fault Configuration Accounting Performance Security

GBP: Group-Based Policy (

GNFC: Genric Network Function Controller - A proposed unification of the APP-C and SDN-C for complete L0-L7 control. (ONAP_GNF_ControllersSOL003.pptx

HAS: Homing and Allocation Service - part of OOF


HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System

Helm: application package manager for kubernetes see

Holmes: Holmes project provides alarm correlation and analysis for Telecom cloud infrastructure and services.


HPA: Hardware Platform Awareness

HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protococol

HV VES: High Volume Virtual function Event Stream

IAM/IDAM: Identity and Access Management

ICE: Incubation and Certification Environment

IDS: Intrusion Detection System (Wikipedia)

IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force (

IKE: Internet Key Exchange (Wikipedia)

IPS: Intrusion Prevention System (Wikipedia)

IPSEC: Internet Protocol Security (Wikipedia)

JAR: Java ARchive (Wikipedia)

JSC: Java Service Container: (formerly AJSC)

JSON: JavaScript Object Notation

k8s: a popular way to abbreviate kubernetes

Kafka: a distributed streaming platform created by Apache read for greater depth


Kubernetes: Quoting Kubernetes is, "an open-source container-orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications"

LCM: Life Cycle Management

LFN CVC: Linux Foundation Networking Compliance/Verification Committee

LFN CVP: Linux Foundation Networking Compliance/Verification Program

LRM: Local Resource Monitor

M0: Release Kick-off milestone. See also Release Lifecycle

M1: Release Planning milestone. See also Release Lifecycle

M2: Release Functionality Freeze milestone. See also Release Lifecycle

M3: Release API Freeze milestone. See also Release Lifecycle

M4: Release Code Freeze milestone. See also Release Lifecycle

MACD: (Vendor specific) Move Add Change Delete/Disconnect

MANO: MANagement and Organization of NFV

MD-SAL: Model Driven Service Abstraction Layer

MR: Message Router (a Common Service of ONAP)

MOP: Method of Procedure

MOTS: Mechanized Operations Tracking System

MSB:  Microservice Bus

MSO: Master Service Orchestrator (component of ONAP runtime) renamed to SO (Service Orchestrator)

MUSIC: Multi-site State Coordination Service (Project)

MVP: Minimum Viable Product

NAI: Network Artificial Intelligence

NANCSP: Network Cloud Service Provider

NBI: North Bound Interface

NEP: Network Equipment Provider

NETCONF: Network Configuration Protocol (Wikipedia)

network cloud:

NFV: Network Function Virtualization (Wikipedia)

NFVI: network functions virtualization infrastructure

NFVO: Network Function Virtualization Orchestrator

NOD: Network On Demand


NS: Network Services

NS: Network Slice

NS: (Vendor Specific) New Start

NSMF: Network Slice Management Function

NSSMF: Network Slice Subnet Management Function

OA&M: Operations, Administration and Management



OCX/OMX - AT&T system that sends service orders to SO API Handler to trigger its activities

OMF: Operational Management Framework (of ONAP)

OMSA: ONAP Microservice Architecture

OOF: ONAP Optimization Framework

OpenDaylight = ODL

ONAP: Open Network Automation Platform, including Open-source Enhanced Control, Orchestration, Management, and Policy


OOM: ONAP Operations Manager

OpenAPI Specification: "defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to RESTful APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection", quoted from

OPNFV: Open Platform for NFV Project


OSAM: Open Source Access Manager

OSS: Operations Support System


P4 : "is a programming language designed to allow programming of packet forwarding planes" quoted from

PAP: Policy Administration Point (ONAP)

PCE: Path Computation and Element (ONAP)

PCI: Physical Cell ID

pCPE: physical Customer Premise Equipment

PDP-x: Policy Decision Point - XACML (ONAP)

PDP-d: Policy Decision Point - Drools (ONAP)

PO: Platform Orchestrator

PoC: Proof of Concept

POMBA: Post Orchestration Model Based Audit

PNDA: Open source Platform for Network Data Analytics

PNF: Physical Network Function



RCA: Root Cause Analysis

RCT: Reference Connection Tool



REST: REpresentational State Transfer (Wikipedia)


RO: Resource Orchestrator

RPC: Remote Procedure Call

S3P: Stability, Security, Scalability, Performance. See also Platform Maturity Requirements (S3P).

SDC: Service Design and Creation (component of ONAP for visual modeling and design)

SDN: Software-Defined Networking

SDNC (formerly SDN-C): Software Defined Network Controller (part of ONAP)

SDN-GP: Software Defined Network - Global Platform


SDN-R: application of SDNC - see SDN-R objectives

SEBA: SDN-Enabled Broadband Access, see also:

SLA: Service Level Agreement

SLI: Service Logic Interpreter

SME: Subject Matter Expert

SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol

SO: Service Orchestrator (Project)

SOT: Source Of Truth

SR-IOV: Single-Root Input/Output Virtualization (Wikipedia)

SSH: Secure Shell

SSL: Secure Sockets Layer (Wikipedia), precursor to TLS

SUPP(Vendor Specific) short for supplement, changing a connection before activation

SVNFM: (Vendor) Specific Virtual Network Function Manger

Swagger: legacy name for the OpenAPI Specification

TCP: Transmission Control Protocol

TEM: Telecom Electronics Manufacturer


TLS: Transport Layer Security (Wikipedia), standardized replacement for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

TOSCA: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (OASIS spec)

TPS: Transactions Per Second

TSC: Technical Steering Committee. Establishes work flows and procedures, criteria for contributors and committers, and any additional roles and responsibilities required on ONAP projects.

UEB: An event bus interface that has been replaced by DMaaP.

U-UI: Usecase UI = Usecase User Interface (Project)

vCE: virtual CE (Customer Edge) router (an example VNF)

vCPE: Virtual Customer Premise Equipment

vDNS: Virtual Domain Name Server (an example VNF)

VDU: Virtualisation Deployment Unit - The Virtualisation Deployment Unit (VDU) is a construct supporting the description of the deployment and operational behaviour of a VNFC.

VES: Virtual function Event Stream

vF: Virtual Firewall (an example VNF)

VF: Virtual Function

VFC: Virtual Function Controller (the ONAP project)

VFC: Virtual Function Component (Resource Onboarding)

vfModule: Virtual Function Module

VID: Virtual Instantiation Deployment

VID: Virtual Infrastructure Deployment (Project)

VIM: Virtualized Infrastructure Manager

VLAN: Virtual Local Area Network

VM: Virtual Machine

VNF: Virtual Network Function (link)

VNFC: Virtual Network Function Component

VNFD: VNF Descriptor

VNFM: VNF Manager

VNO: Virtual Network Operator

VNFSDK: ONAP project

vPE: virtual PE (Provider Edge) router (an example of a VNF)

VPP: Vector Packet Processing (link)

VSP: Vendor Software Product (from SDC Demo Guide)

VTP: VNF Test Platform

VVP: VNF Validation Program (Project)

WAR: Web application ARchive (Wikipedia)

XACML++:  eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (OASIS standard, extended)


YANG: A Data Modeling Language for the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)