


Discussion items


CSIT Functional TestingNeed a plan for developing a CSIT test case

Sonar coverage
Need to increase our Sonar code coverage

Level set on license policy for ONAP A&AI

Dev best practices

Don't break the build, if you do, fix it. The single "master" branch is making it difficult to develop directly on the branch. Features with multiple people doing develop, it is difficult to work off a single branch. Consider using gerrit drafts, #1 priority is to make the verify job good enough to give the developer confidence that the build is not, in fact, broken.

Until the release branch is cut for Amsterdam, how does Beijing work proceed - raise Q with onap-discuss list for community feedback.


New repos are in place, Zi Li has what she needs to proceed with import of ESR

September ONAP Dev F2F
Not sure who will represent A&AI in person, no one from the call is planning to attend. If any team members have issues to discuss, please post to this page: September 26-28 Topics

Action items

From last week:

 This week: