Project Overview

SDNC is a network controller based on CCSDK, which provides most of the base functionality used to implement the network controller. The SDNC project assembles those components, adding real-time configurable service logic (aka directed graphs) to implement network controller instances or "personas".

New component capabilities for Kohn, i.e. the functional enhancements.

The following table lists the new functional requirements CCSDK/SDNC is committing to support for the Jakarta Release:

RequirementsCompanies Supporting Requirement




Minimum Viable Product

The following epics represent the minimum viable product of the CCSDK/SDNC Jakarta Release:

The following epics are also in scope for Jakarta, but are not considered of the minimum viable product.  In the event of unanticipated resource constraints, these could be reduced in scope or deferred without impacting any functionality deemed by the TSC as critical for Istanbul.

These requirements require enhancements to existing CCSDK/SDNC functionality, as opposed to new interfaces. 

New or modified interfaces

The SDNC northbound interfaces are based on the RESTCONF standard.  Currently, OpenDaylight - and therefore SDNC - support 2 versions of the RESTCONF standard:

OpenDaylight has announced that support for the Biermann-02 draft is deprecated in their OpenDaylight Sulfur release and will be removed in the following release (Chlorine).

RFC 8040 is NOT backwards compatible with Biermann.  SDNC plans to announce that the Bierman internet draft support is deprecated in Kohn and to advise clients to move to RFC 8040.  However, we anticipate that not all clients will be able to move to RFC 8040 in a timely manner.  Therefore, we are planning to develop our own support for Bierman in London release.  The details of our migration strategy are described in RESTCONF migration strategy

If they are modified, are they backwards compatible?

Yes.  Care is taken to ensure backwards compatibility:

Interface naming (point to an example)

CCSDK provides the following APIs which are exposed by SDNC:

SDNC itself also provides the following interfaces, not found in CCSDK:

Reference to the interfaces.

All APIs have Swagger documentation, which is referenced in readthedocs

What are the system limits?

Due to limitations inherent in OpenDaylight clustering - which is based on akka - SDNC should always be run with an odd number of replicas. This is needed to guarantee there can be no "ties" in the akka leader election procedure.

Involved use cases, architectural capabilities or functional requirements.

SDNC is used in the following use cases:

Listing of new or impacted models used by the project (for information only).
