VNFRQTS-23 requires the VNFRQTS project to agree on a "standard" format for requirements for the ONAP Amsterdam release.  This task is assigned for resolution in Sprint 2.  There are a number of aspects top this task - Key words, processes and tooling

Key Words

RFC 2119  provides definitions for keywords to signify requirements: 

The Seed documents from ECOMP use the MUST / SHOULD keywords. Some of the other seed documents do not use any Keywords.

Some task is required to ensure consistent use of keywords in the source material 

Requirement Subject

From the Project Charter, the  Subject of the Requirements is the VNF  and not the platform or its components. 

One way to enforce this scope is to structure the requirement such that they are written as complete sentences with VNF as the subject  e.g.The VNF  MUST xxxx. 

Some of the requirements in the seed documents are not structured as stand alone complete sentences.  Some task would be required to align the requirements to a consistent structure.

Requirement Structure

The  Project Charter also mentions the development of "EPIC statements". The ONAP JIRA wiki uses the term User Story Syntax  for the same structure:

User Story Syntax

As a <user> = who
I want to <be able to do ABC> = what
So that <XYZ can be done> = why

The  requirements from the seed document are not in this form, and so some task would be required to structure them appropriately 


Use Cases for Requirements 

Requirement identifiers

Requirements should be uniquely identified.

Requirement attributes

Attributes may be required to support subsetting  the list of requirements.

Once identified, VNF Requirements are not expected to be very dynamic, but there may be some changes required between ONAP releases.

A VNF Requirement version attribute may be required to  accommodate this.

Some VNF Requirements may be forward looking ie anticipated to apply in future releases.

Some VNF Requirements may be optional


The VNF Requirements "master" in the .rst files in the vnfrqts/requirements repo.

The documentation projects Jenkins job builds the .html onto the website

Tooling is needed to extract just the requirements sentence from the table format.  This is expected to require the VNF requirements to be tagged appropriately in the ,rst source files