SDC should be deployed in an internal network in the service provider eco system to provide an additional layer of security.

SDC is build as a multi tier application where the frontend server is accessible but all the DB and backend servers are positioned in a DMZ, we define all our communication to be proxyed by the fronted server and to be passed from there to the backend server.

no direct communication from the UI to the backend or from UI or frontend server to the db is defined by SDC.

the following recommendations and architecture description  mitigates the risk of the identified known vulnerabilities in yellow below.

RepositoryGroupImpact AnalysisActionNotes

False positive

the lib is part of the sdcTosca parser which is used as a library.

the parser only runs on predefined objects and will not attempt to run on an object that was not validated. the parser is protected by the application using it and the information supplied is coming from the using application.

There is no non vulnerable version of this component.

No Action in Beijing.




False positive

the dependency is coming from Elastic search.

as such the vulnerability no effecting affecting the application.

There is no non vulnerable version of this component.

No Action for Beijing


catalog + onboarding


False positive

CVE-2016-4800 exposes a vulnerability when you are running on windows.

sdc is dockerized and the container runs on alpine.

false positive

CVE-2017-9735 expose a vulnerability in using the password class in the lib.

this class is not used by sdc.

comes with jetty-server

we connect update to a newer version because of breaking changes in jetty.

No action Beijing

next release we will check the option to upgrade to newer version.

Needs more effort and would impact the current state of ONAP.

sdc - onboarding + catalog


there was a bigapichange that broke backward comparability.

will be addressed next release to upgrade to 2.8.0

No action in Beijing.

will be upgraded next release


catalog + onboarding


False positive.

used as part of the testingframe workinsdc.

no actual use as part of the application

No version with a fix is currently available.

No action in Beijing

sdc- catalog


Non impacting

CVE-2015-3253 expose the application to DOS attack andexecution  ofmalicious code by passing serialized objects.

came from gremlin-groovy

this is part of thetitanproject which is thesdcdriver for communication with our DB.

No action in Beijing.

Titan Graph related fixes will be considered depending on the plan for usagepost Beijing.

(move to JenoseGraph is being considered)


catalog + onboarding


Not impacting

because a user needs to be authenticated

CVE-2017-7525 and CVE-2018-7489 expose the application toexecution  ofmalicious code byprovideunauthorized java object

no version with a fixiscurrently available.

No action in Beijing.

integration with AAF will reduce this issue further.

sdc - catalogcommons-collections

this is a fork of part of thetitanproject. the project is at an end of life.

and from common-validators.

we are using an API of the titan client and are not in control of the implantation.

no action.

move to JenoseGraph is being considered

common validators no new versionisavilable

sdc - onboardingorg.apache.logging.log4j

False positive

sdcdoes not send logging events or receives them.

No action for Beijing

Fix available - Update the version of the dependency in Casablanca.

upgrade to 2.8.2


open ticket to upgrade to 2.8.2
sdc - onboardingcom.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat

CVE-2016-7051 expose the application toattackedbased on fording the Document Type Definitions inaxmlfile

onboarding upgrade to version 2.7.9

No action for Beijing

Fix available - Update the version of the dependency to 2.7.9 and 2.8.11

ml open ticket to upgrade to 2.8.9


catalog + onboarding




CVE-2018-1271 false positivesdcruns on a docker which is based onalpin

upgrade to 4.3.15

Fix available - Update the version of the dependency


Not found in latest scan

version 4.3.15.RELEASE and version 4.3.17.RELEASE are labeled as threat level 5

ml: open a task to catalog and onboarding to upgrade spring to 4.3.18

sdc - onboarding +



CVE-2016-2510 the vulnerability exposes the application to remote code execution based on serializing objects with exactable code.

all versions have vulnerabilities in them. waiting for a fix in future versions.

no action in Beijing.

Waiting for a stable release.

used in test ngnotin theaplicationitself


catalog + onboarding


Non issue

sdcdoes not use security manager and as such is not vulnerable

no action in Beijing.theris aversionavilableneed to understand where it came from


catalog + onboarding


false positive

CVE-2016-4970 expose the application to DOS attacks,

this is no exposed external and is only used as part of thedriver  forcommunication with thedb.

coming from Cassandra driver core

No action in Beijing.



catalog + onboarding


CVE-2014-0114 expose the application to remote code exaction by manipulating the class loader

all versions have vulnerabilities in them. waiting for a fix in future versions.

No action in Beijing.

Update the version of the dependency as soon as security issue fixed.

sdc - onboardingorg.apache.cxf

false positive

CVE-2010-2076sdcdoes not use soap messages for communication

upgrade to version 2.2.9

No action in Beijing

Fix available - Update the version of the dependency

update version to lates
sdc - onboardingcom.fasterxml.jackson.core

false positive

No action in Beijing.

Fix available - Update the version of the dependency to 2.8.6

ml update to 2.8.10
sdc - catalogio.netty

False positive

CVE-2015-2156 netty is usedin sidethedbdriver and a testingframe workthat both do not read cookies.

CVE-2016-4970 used for testing and as a driver base as such they are not accepting requests and will notbe affectby dos

came fromsdc-titan-cassndra

this is a fork of part of thetitnaproject. the project is at an end of life.

No action in Beijing.

move to JenoseGraph is being considered

exclude from pom in titan
sdc- catalogorg.bouncycastle

False positive

came from selenium-server

this is included and used in an automation project and does not actually deploy as part of SDC.

No action for Beijing.

Problem with code CVE-2016-1000341 is now labeled as threat level 5
sdc - catalogcommons-httpclient

False positive

sdcdoes not use the client directly accept in the simulator which is internal use only.

the package is at the end of life no none vulnerable version is available.

No action for Beijing.

the uses in catalogbeandtoolmay be removed by removing thedepandency


sdc- catalogxerces

False positive

came from selenium-java

this is included and used in an automation project and does not actually deploy as part of SDC.

No action for Beijing.

sdc - catalogio.netty

False positive

came from selenium-server

this is included and used in an automation project and does not actually deploy as part of SDC.

No action for Beijing.

sdc- catalogorg.apache.poi


Part of thesdctool used for migration and schema creation and is not part of the be logic

No action in Beijing

CVE-2017-7525 expose the client toexactionof malice code by a user.

sdc-titan-casndra is the driver used by sdc to communicate with the graph representation stored in Cassandra. the driver used is internal to the application.

No action in Beijing.

move to JenoseGraph is being considered.


CVE-2017-7525 expose the client toexactionof malice code by a user.

sdc-titan-casndra is the driver used by sdc to communicate with the graph representation stored in Cassandra. the driver used is internal to the application.

No action in Beijing. 

move to JenoseGraph is being considered


False posotive

CVE-2015-3253 expose the application to DOS attack and exaction of malicios code by passing serialized objects. the client receives specific objects for serialization

sdc-titan-casndra is the driver used by sdc to communicate with the graph representation stored in Cassandra. the driver used is internal to the application.

to support geo-redundancy

No action in Beijing.

move to JenoseGraph is being considered


sdc-titan-casndra is the driver used by sdc to communicate with the graph representation stored in Cassandra. the driver used is internal to the application.

No action in Beijing.

move to JenoseGraph is being considered


False positive,

CVE-2017-5929 sdc-titan-casndra is the driver used by sdc to communicate with the graph representation stored in Cassandra. the driver used is internal to the application.


No action in Beijing.  

move to JenoseGraph is being considered


CVE-2017-7536 we not use security manager and as such is not vulnerable

sdc-titan-casndra is the driver used by sdc to communicate with the graph representation stored in Cassandra. the driver used is internal to the application.

No action in Beijing.  

move to JenoseGraph is being considered


False positive

CVE-2015-2156 netty is usedin sidethedbdriver and a testingframe workthat both do not read cookies.

CVE-2016-4970 used for testing and as a driver base as such they are not accepting requests and will notbe affectby dos

sdc-titan-casndra is the driver used by sdc to communicate with the graph representation stored in Cassandra. the driver used is internal to the application.

No action in Beijing.  

move to JenoseGraph is being considered


False positive

the client used for communication to the db and the vulnerability is not applicable.

No action in Beijing.

move to JenoseGraph is being considered

sdc-workflow-designer com.fasterxml.jackson.core

False positive

CVE-2018-5968 and CVE-2017-17485  vulnerable to remote code exaction by passing objects. used only for converting specificjsonobjects tobpmn/xml

no version with a fix is currently available.

No action in Beijing.

sdc - catalogcom.unboundid

comes with shiled need to remove shiled
sdc- catalog + onboardingorg.eclipse.jetty

consider moving to a newer version of jetty



sdc- onboardingorg.apache.cxf


