The following items are expected to be completed for the project to Pass  Release Sign-Off Milestone.

Release Sign-Off Milestone overview is available in wiki.

  1. Use the "Copy" and "Move" options (available under the ..., top right of this page) to duplicate this template into your project wiki.
  2. Fill out the Yes/No column
  3. Provide link to evidence (when necessary)
Practice AreaCheckpointYes/NoEvidencesHow to?
Product ManagementAre committed Product Backlog Stories been coded and marked as "Done" in Jira?no

Two HPA stories were not completed before the code freeze because the models were not published in time. They will be completed during an interim release.

Are all tasks associated with committed Product Backlog Stories been marked as "Done" in Jira?no

Two HPA tasks were not completed before the code freeze because the models were not published in time. They will be completed during an interim release.

Provide the project features list under the form of a bulleted list.
  • VNF packaging tools, which bundle VNFs into an ONAP-compliant TOSCA CSAR file
  • VNF Marketplace, which sits between VNF suppliers and operators. It provides a repository for uploading and downloading VNFs and tools to validate package consistency.
  • VES Collector that may optionally be incorporated into VNFs
  • Integration with SDC for VNF Onboarding
  • Functional test support
  • Incorporation of ICE tools for HEAT validation
  • Experimental integration with OPNFV Dovetail
  • Preliminary support for SOL-004
  • Support for HTTPS

Summarize any functionalities that were planned at Release planning and not delivered at Release Sign-Off

Alignment with the new VNFD model supporting HPA
Release ManagementHave all issues pertaining to FOSS been addressed?yes

Have all findings from previous milestones been addressed?yes

DevelopmentAre all the Jenkins jobs successfully passed (verify + merge jobs)?yeshttps://jenkins.onap.org/view/vnfsdk/
Are all binaries available in Nexus Release repository?yeshttps://nexus.onap.org/content/repositories/releases/org/onap/vnfsdk/
Are all Docker and PyPi images available In Nexus?yeshttps://nexus3.onap.org/#browse/search=keyword%3Dvnfsdk
Are the Java and Docker manifest updated with the same version as in Nexus Release repository?yes

Integration and Testing

Have all CSIT Use Cases (created by each project team) passed?yeshttps://jenkins.onap.org/view/CSIT/Goal is to incease our confidence the latest commit did not break the major functionality. Jenkins CSIT Jobs
Has the project code successfully passed the Daily Build process?yeshttps://jenkins.onap.org/view/Daily-Jobs/Goal is to ensure the latest project commit has not broken the Integration Daily Build 

Has the project done the integration testing with related dependent projects?

yesVNFSDK Pair Wise Testing for Beijing Release

Has your team contributed and completed work in the following documentations in ReadTheDocs:

  1. Release Notes
  2. Project Documentation

