This template is intended to be used to document the outcome of the impact analysis related to the known vulnerability reported by Nexus-IQ (CLM tab in Jenkins).  Nexus-IQ can identify the known vulnerabilities contained in the components use by onap components.

Report in the template below only the vulnerabilities that Nexus-IQ is reporting as "Critical" (Level 7 to 10).

This table will be presented to the TSC at Code Freeze milestone (M4).

It is recommended to first update to the latest version of the third party components available. In case the latest third party components still reports some vulnerabilities, you must provide an impact analysis as illustrated in the example below.

In the case where you have nested third party components (a third party component embedding another third party component) and there is NO CVE number for the upstream third party component (meaning the third party component you are embedding), it is recommended to open a vulnerability issue on the upstream third party component.

Please make a Copy of this template into your project wiki space. Be sure to make a Copy (not a Move) by using the ... on the top right corner of this page

Within the M4 checklist create a link toward your copy of this template

Once this template has been copied into your project wiki space, you can delete this "Tip" section as well as the "Sample of CLM Report" screenshot. This screenshot is just an example.

The following table is addressing 2 different scenarios:

The information related to Repository, Group, Artifact, Version and Problem Code are extracted from the CLM report (see the below screenshot)

Note: nokiadriver code will be replaced by nokiav2driver,


ems driver is using this in the normal way.

There is no non vulnerable version of this component

There is no non vulnerable version of this component

RepositoryGroupArtifactVersionProblem CodeImpact AnalysisAction

False positive

net.sf.json-lib:json-lib:2.4 depend on this

This vulnerability issue is an indirect dependency introduced by vfc/nfvo/resmanagement

False positive.No Action.

All of the existing jackson jackson-mapper-asl have vulnerabilities issues.


False positive

Version 1.9.13 is already newest.

There is no non vulnerable version of this component. 

Code doesn’t use Jackson directly and don’t use createBeanDeserializer() function which has the vulnerability. We were unable to find any reference to this Vulnerability 

False positive.No Action.

All of the existing jackson jackson-mapper-asl have vulnerabilities issues.


False positive

net.sf.json-lib:json-lib:2.4 depend on this

This vulnerability issue is an indirect dependency introduced by vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/huawei

False positive

False positive

Version 3.1 is already newest.

There is no non vulnerable version of this component. 

VF-C code doesn’t use the readRawLine() method in commons-httpclient directly. We plan to replace this jar with Apache HttpComponents, but need some time to update the code and test.

False positive

We are trying to replace this jar with other jars


False positive

Version 1.9.13 is already newest.

There is no non vulnerable version of this component. 

We don’t use Jackson directly and don’t use createBeanDeserializer() function which has the vulnerability. We were unable to find any reference to this Vulnerability 

False positive.No Action .

No version with a fix is currently available.

 false positive



False positive

Code doesn't use InvokerTransformer

Plan to update the no vulnerability version in D version



False positive

Code doesn't use the verify() function in AllowAllHostnameVerifier.class and DefaultHostnameVerifier.class, and the decorateWithTLS() function in HttpsURLConnectionFactory.class 

Plan to update the no vulnerability version in D version



False positive

Code doesn't use getMethods() method in the ReflectiveMethodResolver class, the canWrite method in the ReflectivePropertyAccessor class, and the filterSubscriptions() method in the DefaultSubscriptionRegistry class

Plan to update the no vulnerability version in D version



False positive

Code doesn't use the generateMultipartBoundary() method in the MimeTypeUtils class

Plan to update the no vulnerability version in D version






False positive

Code doesn't use boolean check(Object credentials) function in the 

Plan to update the no critical vulnerability version in D version



False positive

Code doesn't use the getValueInternal() method in the OperatorMatches class

Plan to update the no vulnerability version in D version



False positive

Code doesn't use FormattedServiceListWriter

Plan to update the no vulnerability version in D version



False positive

Code doesn't use HiddenHttpMethodFilter class

Plan to update the no vulnerability version in D version

False positive

Code doesn't use it for the verification of the SSL certificate

Will trying to replace this jar with other jars in D release

False positive

Code doesn't use it for the verification of the SSL certificate

Will trying to replace this jar with other jars in D release






False positive

Code doesn't use the readLine() function in the AttachmentDeserializer class and get() function in the MessageContextImpl class and the ContentDisposition() function in the ContentDisposition class

False positive.No Action.

There is no non vulnerable version of this component



False positive

Code doesn't use the readLine() function in the AttachmentDeserializer class and get() function in the MessageContextImpl class and the ContentDisposition() function in the ContentDisposition class 

Plan to update the no vulnerability version in D version



False positive

Code doesn't use ResourceHttpRequestHandler to  check for directory traversal

Plan to update the no vulnerability version in D version






False positive

Plan to update the no critical vulnerability version in D version





False positive

net.sf.json-lib:json-lib:2.4 depend on this

This vulnerability issue is an indirect dependency introduced by vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/gvnfm/juju

False positive





False positive

Version 1.9.13 is already newest.

There is no non vulnerable version of this component. 

We don’t use Jackson directly and don’t use createBeanDeserializer() function which has the vulnerability. We were unable to find any reference to this Vulnerability 

False positive.No Action. 

No version with a fix is currently available.

vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/gvnfmorg.apache.commonscommons-compress1.9SONATYPE-2018-0293no vulnerability analysisPlan to update the no vulnerability version in D version

False positive

Code doesn't use the readStored() method in ZipArchiveInputStream.class

Plan to update the no vulnerability version in D version

False positive

Explaination: This vulnerability issue only exists if com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.setDefaultTyping() is called before it is used for deserialization.

ems driver doesn't invoke this method

False positive.No Action.

All of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues.


False positive

ems driver is using this in the normal way.

There is no non vulnerable version of this component

False positive

There is no non vulnerable version of this component


False positive

ems driver haven't use  the setupCurrentEntity??method in

XMLEntityManager class

False positive
vfc-nfvo-driver-emsjavax.mailmailapi1.4.3SONATYPE-2017-0492Ems driver doesn't invoke getUniqueMessageIDValue() methodFalse positive

False positive

net.sf.json-lib:json-lib:2.4 depend on this

This vulnerability issue is an indirect dependency introduced by vfc/nfvo/resmanagement

There is no non vulnerable version of this component. 

False positive.No Action. 

No version with a fix is currently available.


False positive

Version 1.9.13 is already newest.

There is no non vulnerable version of this component. 

We don’t use Jackson directly and don’t use createBeanDeserializer() function which has the vulnerability. We were unable to find any reference to this Vulnerability 

False positive.No Action. 

No version with a fix is currently available.

vfc-nfvo-driver-svnfm-nokiav2 org.springframeworkspring-web5.0.9.RELEASECVE-2018-15756

False positive

Code didn't use the toResourceRegions() and parseRanges() methods in the HttpRange class

False positive.No Action. 
vfc-nfvo-driver-svnfm-nokiav2 org.springframework.securityspring-security-web5.0.8.RELEASESONATYPE-2017

False positive

Code didn't use the doFilter() method in the SwitchUserFilter Class

False positive.No Action. 

No version with a fix is currently available.