Development Status

ProjectPTLJIRA Epic / User Story*Requirements

AAI-BBS Proposals for Dublin Release



Vijay Venkatesh Kumar

External APIMatthieu Geerebaert

EXTAPI-98 - Add notification for serviceInventory API IN PROGRESS

Support for TMF 638 ServiceStateChangeNotification or ServiceAttributeValueChangeNotifications








*Each Requirement should be tracked by its own User Story in JIRA 

JIRA Labels

The Epics and Stories generated for the BBS Use Case should use one or more of the following labels:

  • "BBS: Topology Discovery" (Used for issues related to the discovery and synchronization of the Broadband Service elements)
  • "BBS: HSIA Service" (Used for lifecycle issues related to the lifecycle of a HSIA service (creation, activation, deletion)
  • "BBS: Nomadic ONT" (Used for issues related to the registration and re-registration of the ONT; RG Activation)

All labels for BBS stories and epics should be pre-pended with "BBS: "

As more functionality is added to the BBS Use case new labels are expected to be defined.

These labels can be used as filters for looking at the work effort related to BBS.


Current Status

  1. Testing Blockers

  2. High visibility bugs
  3. Other issues for testing that should be seen at a summary level
  4. Where possible, always include JIRA links
Showcase VNF/PNFTest EnvironmentIntegration Team Liaison

End to End flow to be Tested

**This should be a summary level Sequence diagram done in Gliffy** 

Test Cases and Status

#Test CaseStatus
1There should be a test case for each item in the sequence diagram

2create additional requirements as needed for each discreet step

3Test cases should cover entire Use Case

 Test Cases should include enough detail for testing team to implement the test