This page describes how APPC runs CSIT in master-csit-healthcheck job based on docker compose environment, which is heat environment, And runs CSIT in testsuites Repo based on k8s environment.

Test Case in Master-CSIT-HealthCheck Job in Jenkins:

APPC does two major portions of CSIT, All the test case is under CSIT Repo.

  1. csit/tests/appc/healthcheck:

  2. csit/tests/appc/cdt/cdt.robot:


Note: How to test CSIT before submit the change to csit repo:

  1. login to, follow the steps on APPC WindRiver Lab
  2. check all dockers running on the heat environment
  3. cd /home/ubuntu
  4. make sure the CSIT under ~/csit
  5. cd /home/ubuntu/csit
  6. python -m -N plans/appc/healthcheck -v WORKSPACE:/tmp -v SCRIPTS:/home/ubuntu/csit/plans/appc/healthcheck /home/ubuntu/csit/tests/appc/healthcheck /home/ubuntu/csit/tests/appc/cdt

Test Case in testsuite/robot Repo in OOM environment:

ONAP creates a robot pod which is based on robot framework to verify all projects' functions. In order to verify the APPC functionalities in k8s environment, the testsuite for APPC resides on testsuite/robot/resources/appc_interface.robot.

Note: How to test testsuite/robot before submit the change to  repo:

  1. login to, follow the steps on APPC WindRiver Lab
  2. check all pods running on the k8s environment
  3. ./ : it basically runs: "POD=$(kubectl --namespace onap get pods | sed 's/ .*//'| grep robot); kubectl --namespace onap exec ${POD} -- /var/opt/ONAP/ -V /share/config/ -V /share/config/ -V /share/config/ -v MODULE_NAME:cdt -d /share/logs/demo/APPCCDTPreloadDemo -i APPCCDTPreloadDemo --display 89" to trigger testcase from Robot pod.