
Kevin Scaggs Chuyi Guo Xu Yang Borislav Glozman shitao li  Lingli Deng Andrei Kojukhov Fred Feisullin Fei Zhang Andy Mayer


  1. Agenda Bashing
  2. Reminder of vote for Nested Service Modeling Chuyi Guo
  3. Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services Reivew Borislav GlozmanChuyi Guo


  1. Agenda Bashing No bashing received, moved on as planned.
  2. Reminder of vote for Nested Service Modeling Chuyi Guo
    The deadline of voting on Nested Service will be 21th March.
  3. Enhanced Service Information Model for Nested and Shared Services Reivew Borislav GlozmanChuyi Guo

            a. Clarify the conception of ServiceProfile:

            b. Filter

            c. Nested service structure

            d.  Fred Feisullin will help to give an example of transport slice (target next week to present), to verify the model feasibility, there will be an offline talk before the presentation.

            e. Slice model needs SDC to support nested service and service configuration, run time should support to specify templates.


