This table represents the known exploitable and non-exploitable vulnerabilities in third party packages used in the project.

RepositoryGroupImpact AnalysisAction
  • aai/event-client
  • aai/champ
  • aai/router-core
  • aai/chameleon

False Positive - The application is vulnerable by using this component, when default typing is enabled. Message Router does not use the default typing, so using the jackson-databind will not make message router vulnerable.

  • aai/schema-service
com.fasterxml.jackson.orgAAI should attempt to upgrade this component.

  • aai/schema-service
  • aai/aai-data-router
  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/aai-resources
org.apache.tomcat.embedA dependency of Spring boot 1.5.20.RELEASE, which is the most current version.  This is a false positive since the ONAP demo is not intended to run on Windows; for those clients who choose to deploy these services on Windows we recommend setting enableCmdLineArguments to false.
  • aai/schema-service

A dependency of an older version of the aai-common libraries. 

  • aai/schema-service
  • aai/champ
  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/aai-resources
  • aai/aai-traversal
  • aai/graphadmin
  • aai/data-router
  • aai/esr-server
  • aai/event-client
  • aai/gallifrey

A child dependency of Janusgraph.  Plan is to upgrade to newer janusgraph, but even the latest version uses this component for which there is no non-vulnerable version.  AAI doesn't call the methods described in the CVE directly.

  • aai/schema-service
  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/champ
  • aai/aai-resources
  • aai/aai-traversal
  • aai/graphadmin
  • aai/data-router
  • aai/router-core
  • aai/spike
  • aai/gizmo
  • aai/cacher
  • aai/search-data-service
  • aai/validation
  • aai/esr-server
  • aai/babel
  • aai/model-loader
org.eclipse.jettyFalse positive. Our services do not allow listing of directory contents.
  • aai/schema-
  • aai/champ
  • service
  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/aai-resources
  • aai/aai-traversal
  • aai/graphadmin
  • aai/data-router
  • aai/router-core
  • aai/spike
  • aai/gizmo
  • aai/cacher
  • aai/search-data-service
  • aai/validation
  • aai/esr-server
  • aai/babel
  • aai/model-loader
org.eclipse.jettyA dependency of Spring boot 1.5.20.RELEASE, which is the most current version.  This is a false positive since the ONAP demo is not intended to run on Windows; for those clients who choose to deploy these services on Windows we recommend to not use DefaultServlet or ResourceHandler providing directory content listings. 
  • aai/schema-service
  • aai/champ
  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/aai-resources
  • aai/aai-traversal
  • aai/graphadmin
  • aai/data-router
  • aai/router-core
  • aai/spike
  • aai/gizmo
  • aai/cacher
  • aai/search-data-service
  • aai/validation
  • aai/esr-server
  • aai/babel
  • aai/model-loader
org.eclipse.jetty False positive. Our services do not allow listing of directory contents.
  • aai/graphadmin
  • aai/aai-resources
  • aai/aai-traversal
  • aai/validation
  • aai/data-router
  • aai-gizmo
  • aai/search-data-service
  • aai/sparky-be
  • aai/babel
  • aai/model-loader
  • aai/schema-service
  • aai/search-data-service

False Positive.

The exploit primarily is about enabling polymorphic type handling with the object mapper and writing class specifics into the JSON object.  There are two ways of doing this:

  1. ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping()
  2. @JsonTypeInfo for marshalling / unmarshalling an object

By default the ObjectMapper does not enableDefaultTyping, the code base is not using either approach, so the possibility of the exploit vector does not apply.

  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/schema-service

False Positive.

The exploit primarily is about enabling polymorphic type handling with the object mapper and writing class specifics into the JSON object.  There are two ways of doing this:

  1. ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping()
  2. @JsonTypeInfo for marshalling / unmarshalling an object

By default the ObjectMapper does not enableDefaultTyping, the code base is not using either approach, so the possibility of the exploit vector does not apply.

  • aai/aai-resources
  • aai/aai-traversal
  • aai/champ
  • aai/graphadmin
  • aai/schema-service

False Positive.

The exploit primarily is about enabling polymorphic type handling with the object mapper and writing class specifics into the JSON object.  There are two ways of doing this:

  1. ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping()
  2. @JsonTypeInfo for marshalling / unmarshalling an object

By default the ObjectMapper does not enableDefaultTyping, the resources code bases are not using either approach, so the possibility of the exploit vector does not apply.

AAI-900 -Security: CVE-2017-7525 jackson-mapper-asl 1.9.2CLOSED

  • aai/champ

False Positive.

The exploit primarily is about enabling polymorphic type handling with the object mapper and writing class specifics into the JSON object.  There are two ways of doing this:

  1. ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping()
  2. @JsonTypeInfo for marshalling / unmarshalling an object

By default the ObjectMapper does not enableDefaultTyping, the resources code bases are not using either approach, so the possibility of the exploit vector does not apply.

  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/cacher

False Positive.

The exploit primarily is about enabling polymorphic type handling with the object mapper and writing class specifics into the JSON object.  There are two ways of doing this:

  1. ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping()
  2. @JsonTypeInfo for marshalling / unmarshalling an object

By default the ObjectMapper does not enableDefaultTyping, the code base is not using either approach, so the possibility of the exploit vector does not apply.

  • aai/cacher
  • aai/gizmo

False Positive.

The exploit primarily is about enabling polymorphic type handling with the object mapper and writing class specifics into the JSON object.  There are two ways of doing this:

  1. ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping()
  2. @JsonTypeInfo for marshalling / unmarshalling an object

By default the ObjectMapper does not enableDefaultTyping, the search service is not using either approach, so the possibility of the exploit vector does not apply.

  • aai/esr-server

False Positive


This vulnerability issue only exists if com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.setDefaultTyping() is called before it is used for deserialization.

esr-server doesn't invoke this method, esr-server use new Gson().fromJson(String json, Obj.class) and new Gson().toJson(obj) to deserialization and serialization.

In esr-server, Gson is used to deserialization and serialization:;a=blob;f=esr-mgr/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/esr/wrapper/;h=588baad96c7942e83e0670784bbf423505c7b194;hb=HEAD;a=blob;f=esr-mgr/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/esr/wrapper/;h=874205920c156f12df0bc591638a24e3f5575c76;hb=HEAD;a=blob;f=esr-mgr/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/esr/wrapper/;h=fe44536cecb3f9ae9eaa3d99ff7b2d52511e2d52;hb=HEAD;a=blob;f=esr-mgr/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/esr/wrapper/;h=8c7c5d39ceadff5e17f9c6d26d5540be49ada070;hb=HEAD;a=blob;f=esr-mgr/src/main/java/org/onap/aai/esr/util/;h=3bd01772356055e9711705b8518d55f1678b5179;hb=HEAD

  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/graphadmin
  • aai/schema-service

Issue is a false positive.

This vulnerability is dependent on using an insecure or absent document parser. AAI is not using this class.

  • aai/schema-service
org.apache.activemqUsers should make sure the environment is secure to prevent possible MITM attacks between AAI and other ONAP services in the k8 cluster

  • aai/aai-resources
  • aai/aai-traversal
  • aai/cacher

Issue is a false positive.

This vulnerability is dependent on using an insecure or absent document parser. AAI is not using this class.

  • aai/aai-esr-gui
org.webjars.npm bootstrapFalse positive. The data-target attribute in bootstrap.js interprets encoded HTML entities as standard HTML entities when data-target is based on user supplied input. data-target attribute is not usedHelpdesk ticket 54851
  • aai/aai-esr-gui
org.webjars.npm bootstrapFalse positive. The show()function in the tooltip.js file allows HTML and scripts in the data-container tooltip attribute values in the DOM elements without proper sanitization. The show() function is not used
  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/aai-resources
  • aai/aai-traversal
  • aai/graphadmin
  • aai/schema-service dependency is a child dependency of Cassandra which is required for the graphdb; newer versions of Cassandra do not upgrade to a non-vulnerable version of this depedency. Guava is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) when untrusted input is supplied to the AtomicDoubleArray and CompoundOrdering classes - AAI doesn't depend on guava to do this anywhere. Non-vulnerable versions of guava are not backward compatible with the version used by Cassandra
aai/ dependency is a child dependency of Cassandra which is required for the graphdb; newer versions of Cassandra do not upgrade to a non-vulnerable version of this depedency. Guava is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) when untrusted input is supplied to the AtomicDoubleArray and CompoundOrdering classes - AAI doesn't depend on guava to do this anywhere. Non-vulnerable versions of guava are not backward compatible with the version used by Cassandra
aai/ dependency of a child dependency, json-schema-validator. Even the latest version of json-schema-validator does not have the required fix version for the above components.
aai/search-data-servicecom.googlecode.libphonenumberA dependency of a child dependency, json-schema-validator. Even the latest version of json-schema-validator does not have the required fix version for the above components. AAI is not vulnerable to this issue in the dependency, it does not use the component in the way described.


A dependency of a child dependency, json-schema-validator. Even the latest version of json-schema-validator does not have the required fix version for the above components. AAI is not vulnerable to this issue in the dependency, it does not use the component in the way described.

Search data service is not vulnerable to the exploit vectors because it does not perform the functions outlined in the report.

switchUserProcessingFilter is not configured

aai/esr-server com.smoketurner.dropwizard

False Positive.

The exploit primarily is about enabling polymorphic type handling with the object mapper and writing class specifics into the JSON object.  There are two ways of doing this:

  1. ObjectMapper.enableDefaultTyping()
  2. @JsonTypeInfo for marshalling / unmarshalling an object

By default the ObjectMapper does not enableDefaultTyping, the code base is not using either approach, so the possibility of the exploit vector does not apply.

  • aai/event-client
  • aai/gizmo
  • aai/spike
  • aai/data-router
  • aai/router-core
  • aai/schema-service

False positive. Event client in ONAP only uses DMaaP so the rabbitmq dependencies are never used.

  • aai/esr-gui

ESR GUI is vulnerable. Implementors should secure the system to prevent exploits.

  • aai/esr-gui
org.apache.tomcatESR GUI is vulnerable. Implementors should secure the system to prevent exploits.
  • aai/esr-gui
org.apache.tomcatESR GUI is vulnerable. Implementors should secure the system to prevent exploits.
  • aai/esr-gui

ESR GUI is vulnerable. Implementors should secure the system to prevent exploits.

  • aai/esr-gui
jqueryESR GUI is vulnerable. Implementors should secure the system to prevent exploits.

  • aai/champ
  • aai/graphadmin
  • aai/aai-resources
  • aai/aai-traversal
  • aai/schema-service
org.apache.libthriftFalse positive. This version of ilbthrift is a dependency of titan/cassandra and janus/cassandra. Users should take note of this if they decide to enable SASL, but we do not ship it with the demo.

  • aai/champ
org.apache.zookeeperFalse positive for ONAP as deployed. AAI is deployed with Janus on Cassandra, if users implement champ and choose hbase they should take steps to disable client-initiated renegotiation

  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/spike
  • aai/search-data-service
  • aai/validation
ch.qos.logbackEELF dependency, upgrade to 1.0.1-oss


org.eclipse.jettyTried to upgrade jetty; at the time in the nexusiq report this looked clean but evidently it's not. In any event, this is a false positive, the application doesn't use this component in the application server; these utils are only used locally.

aai/sparky-becommons-fileuploadPart of portal sdk 2.5.0

aai/sparky-beorg.owasp.antisamyPart of portal sdk 2.5.0

aai/sparky-beorg.owasp.esapiPart of portal sdk 2.5.0

  • aai/chameleon
  • aai/gallifrey
commons-fileuploadImported by ring; investigating whether there is an upgrade available. Chameleon could be vulnerable to denial of service exploit and implementors should secure the system to prevent it.

aai/gallifreyio.nettyConsider upgrading. From CT Paterson: "The netty dependency is pulled in from RethinkDB.  We're currently testing an update to gallifrey that will move to Cassandra as a storage backend and drop RethinkDB support.  This should resolve the issue."

aai/esr-servercom.fasterxml.jackson.datatypeESR is vulnerable. Implementors should secure the system to prevent DDOS attacks.

aai/esr-serverorg.eclipse.jettyESR is vulnerable. Implementors should secure the system to prevent DDOS attacks.
aai/router-corech.qos.logbackUpdate to latest aai-common

aai/champio.nettyAAI is not configured with hbase in the demo so this is not applicable. Operators who use champ and configure hbase should use care on this item.
  • aai/data-router
  • aai/aai-common
  • aai/router-core
org.apache.tomcat.embedUpdate to spring-boot 1.5.20 is the right path, but we cannot since 1.5.20 doesn't support 2-way TLS the way it is done in ONAP

  • aai/data-router
  • aai/router-core
  • aai/sparky-be
org.apache.camelFalse positive.  createFileName() is never used
  • aai/data-router
org.apache.cxfFalse postiive.  in data-router, java.protocol.handler.pkgs system property is not set to 
  • aai/search-data-service
org.springframework.securityUpgrade spring-security 

  • aai/esr-server
com.squareup.okhttp3Disputed vulnerability, but users should make sure that MITM attacks are mitigated in their systems