Project Name

Why a Logging Project


Centralized, Role based access, tracking, streaming, reporting

Feature /


F1Centralized Logs - all the logs available streamed in one place - search, visualize and report ready
F2Role based access - logs are accessible from outside the container - no ssh into the pod or tailing of the logs per microservice

Tracking - If a unique ID is passed across microservices we can trace a transaction pass/failure through the system

requestID, InvocationID, Timestamp indexed

F4Reporting - track multiple transaction patterns and generate emergent or correlated behavior
F5Control over log content - collect, index, filter
F6Machine readable json oriented elasticsearch storage of logs

R1Logs are in the same (currently 29 field) format
R2Logging library requires minimal changes for use - using Spring AOP to get MARKER entry/exit logs for free without code changes
R3Logs are streamed to a central ELK stack
R4ELK stack provides for tracing, dashboards, query API

Project Description

ONAP consists of many components and containers, and consequently writes to many logfiles. The volume of logger output may be enormous, especially when debugging. Large, disparate logfiles are difficult to monitor and analyze, and tracing requests across many files, file systems and containers is untenable without tooling. 

The problem of decentralized logger output is addressed by analytics pipelines such as Elastic Stack (ELK). Elastic Stack consumes logs, indexes their contents in Elasticsearch, and makes them accessible, queryable and navigable via a sophisticated UI, Kibana Discover. This elevates the importance of standardization and machine-readability. Logfiles can remain browsable, but output can be simplified.

Logger configurations in ONAP are diverse and idiosyncratic. Addressing these issues will prevent costs from being externalized to consumers such as analytics. It also affords the opportunity to remedy any issues with the handling and propagation of contextual information such as transaction identifiers (presently passed as X-ONAP-RequestID. This propagation is critical to tracing requests as they traverse ONAP and related systems, and is the basis for many analytics functions. 

Rationalized logger configuration and output also paves the way for other high-performance logger transports, including publishing directly to analytics via SYSLOG (RFC3164RFC5425RFC5426) and streams, and mechanisms for durability.

Each change is believed to be individually beneficial:

  1. The intention is to consolidate the required setup within this project however some changes and bug fixes might have to be applied in the relative component project, requiring each components' co-operation on the contribution.
  2. There is an economy of scale if everything can happen under a single remit.
  3. Standardization benefits all, including those who want to deviate from defaults.


In scope:

  1. ONAP-wide changes to regularize logger providers, logger configuration and logger output. The changes are largely cosmetic, but greater coherence will simplify deployment orchestration and customization, and improve extensibility and support for analytics. 
  2. A reference analytics pipeline configuration consisting of:
  3. Documentation:
  4. Other example configurations, including: 
  5. Audit:
    1. Specifically Post orchestration model based audit - Logging Scope Change for POMBA seed code  

Out of scope:



All changes augment ONAP application logging guidelines on the ONAP wiki. 

Commits to 2 repos

Default logfile locations

All logfiles to default to beneath /var/log, and beneath /var/log/ONAP in the case of core ONAP components.

All logger provider configuration document locations namespaced by component and (if applicable) subcomponent by default:


Default provider configuration locations

All logger provider configuration documents to default to beneath /etc/ONAP

All logger provider configuration document locations namespaced by component and (if applicable) subcomponent by default:


Default provider configuration

With the various simplifications discussed in this document, the logger provider configuration for most components can be rationalized.

Proposals include:

A reductive example for the Logback provider, omitting some finer details:

<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="5 seconds" debug="false">

    <property name="component" value="component1"></property>
    <property name="subcomponent" value="subcomponent1"></property>
    <property name="outputDirectory" value="/var/log/ONAP/${component}/${subcomponent}" />
    <property name="outputFilename" value="all" />

    <property name="defaultPattern" value="%nopexception%logger

    <property name="queueSize" value="256"/>
    <property name="maxFileSize" value="50MB"/>
    <property name="maxHistory" value="30"/>
    <property name="totalSizeCap" value="10GB"/>

    <appender name="console" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">

    <appender name="consoleAsync" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
        <appender-ref ref="console" />

    <appender name="file" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy">

    <appender name="fileAsync" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
        <appender-ref ref="file" />

    <root level="info" additivity="false">
        <appender-ref ref="consoleAsync"/>
        <!--<appender-ref ref="fileAsync"/>-->

    <logger name="org.onap.example.component1.subcomponent2" level="debug" additivity="false">
        <appender-ref ref="fileAsync" />


Default logger provider

Encourage Logback for Java-based components, porting any components that agree to switch. 

Provider configuration overrides

All configuration locations to be overrideable by a system or file property passed to (or read by) the JVM. (No specific convention suggested, because it'll only divert attention from the importance of having a convention). 


We've already discussed key aspects of extensibility:

  1. Standardized configuration, simplifying unilateral reconfiguration and automated updates. 
  2. Standardized output, simplifying the configuration of analytics pipelines. 


The MDCs in ONAP application logging guidelines are closely matched to existing MDC usage in seed ONAP components, but there may be many arbitrarily many others, and there's no need for them to be listed in configuration. Itemizing them means changing all configuration documents when new MDCs are introduced. 

The change is to the serialization of MDCs in the Logback provider <pattern/> to a single expression which emits whatever is present:



Markers can be used to characterize log entries. Their use is widespread, and future ONAP components and/or customizations might emit Markers with their log messages. If and when they do, we want them indexed for analytics, and like MDCs, we don't want them to need to be declared in logger provider configuration in advance. 

The change is to add the serialization of Markers to <pattern/> in Logback provider configuration:



Support for analytics pipelines

Regularizing output locations and line format simplifies shipping and indexing of logs, and enables many options for analytics. See Default logfile locationsMDCsMarkersMachine-readable output, and Elastic Stack reference configuration.

Machine-readable output

Shipper and indexing performance and durability depends on logs that can be parsed quickly and reliably.  

The proposal is:

For example (tab- and newline-separated, MDCs, a nested exception, a marker, with newlines self-consciously added between each attribute for readability):

\tHere's an error, that's usually bad
\tkey1=value1, key2=value2 with space, key5=value5"with"quotes, key3=value3\nwith\nnewlines, key4=value4\twith\ttabs
\tjava.lang.RuntimeException: Here's Johnny
\n\tat org.onap.example.component1.subcomponent1.LogbackTest.main(
\nWrapped by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in
\n\tat org.onap.example.component1.subcomponent1.LogbackTest.main(

Elastic Stack reference configuration

On the basis of regularized provider configuration and output, and the work of the ONAP Operations Manager project, a complete Elastic Stack pipeline can be deployed automatically. 

This achieves two things:

  1. It demonstrates what has been made possible.
  2. It provides a ONAP with a viable analytics platform.

The proposal is:


Propagate transaction ID

Reliable propagation of transaction identifiers is critical to tracing requests through ONAP. 

Rename X-ECOMP-RequestID

Update X-ECOMP-RequestID to X-ONAP-RequestID throughout. 

Key Project Facts


Existing logging guidelines:

Logging providers:


Elastic Stack:

ONAP Operations Manager: ONAP Operations Manager Project