ONAP Portal

Project Name:

Project description:


Designing Services

The Portal provides the following design-time features:

Instantiating Services

The Portal offers a Virtual Instantiation Deployment (VID) GUI to trigger MSO instantiation of Services and components that have been certified and distributed for production. These services may include:

VID reads the models created in SDC, and, in turn, forwards the appropriate information to MSO during the Service instantiation process.


From the ONAP Portal, administrators:

Future enhancements in the following releases:

·       Portal SDK - Digital Experience Control/UI Upgrade.

·       Ability for admin to use notification and act on it w/o copy/paste, e.g. hyperlink to target function with context transfer.

·       Enabling centralized Authentication and Authorization (AAF): Ability for centralized User Management and administrative tasks such as Role based access.

Architecture Alignment:

Overall ONAP Architecture showing relation to Portal component with other components:

Detailed Portal Architecture:


Other Information:

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Key Project Facts

Project Name: Portal

*Repo name*: portal, ecompsdkos 
*Lifecycle State*: enhancement 
*Primary Contact*: Manoop Talasila 
*Project Lead*: Manoop Talasila 
*mailing list tag{*} \[Should match Jira Project Prefix\]  
*Committers*: talasila@research.att.com 
*Link to TSC approval:  
*Link to approval of additional submitters:{*}