Attachments (including meeting recording)



Agenda Items


TitleRaised ByStatusLast discussedNotes
1AAI models available


aaimodel.uml - the generated AAI model for Papyrus

Further work - what to add/change/improve?

2019-09-16: Pavel produced a new uml document which fixes issues with cardinality.  Jacqueline has successfully imported the new file.  Jacqueline gave a demo of latest models in Papyrus

2Modeling outputs


Modeling team wants multiple outputs:

These are manually generated from the model information about the classes, associations, etc.

Jacqueline Beaulac will try to apply the generated model to the toolchain to see what we get.  This process could be automated, TBD

3A&AI schema validation

Validation rules for the A&AI schema AAI Schema and EdgeRule Audit rules
4AAI Schema


Need to know if there exists a document which describes the various edge labels (BelongsTo, AppliesTo, IsA) as well as the semantics and rules for building / update the AAI schema.  Inviting Chandra Cinthala to our discussion on 9 Sep

5AttachesTo EdgeRule label

6Descriptions in UML


Schema-service is not providing descriptions that the AAI UML generator can use.  Might need to be a change in the OXM descriptions. Tracked here: