Sorted inputs - by category

Release Process

 → Classify the nature of projects and have RELMAN tickets per category: DEV projects (code impact) like Policy, AAI etc; NO-DEV projects like doc, vnfrqs and finally testing/deployment prokects: Integration, VVP, VNFSDK, OOM

 → we invite PTLs to review Frankfurt Milestone for additional suggestion(s) - Frankfurt Deliverables by Milestone

Pamela Dragosh says that tasks need to be culled, clarified, better documentation on how to complete

Form a small working group.  Meet 3 -4 weeks to review and recommend changes/updates. Andy Mayersays to coordinate with subcommittees to avoid distorting intent of tasks.

        →Ok - let's track from M1 since this is the milestone representing the Community Commitments

       → Continue to raise your risks as soon as you have identified them so we can explore if we can mitigate them with additional support - Frankfurt Risks

Product Creation

Testing Process

ONAP Project Oversight



Have we fixed anything captured during the Dublin Retrospective?

Release Process

Product Creation

Testing Process

ONAP Project Oversight