<<Matthew Harffy - 18/08/2017: I think this draft can now be deleted as I have copied the content in an edited form into the formal documentationI have also updated the old Style Guide on the wiki.>>

This style guide is for ONAP documentation contributors and reviewers.

Getting started

When is documentation required?

All ONAP project contributions should have corresponding documentation. This includes all new features and changes to features that impact users.

How do I create ONAP documentation?

TODO: <<add links to Documentation process/automated tools sections>>

What kind of documents are required?

This depends on your project output, but here is a list of standard and common documentation:

Markdown conventions

TODO: <<establish markdown guidelines for headings, lists, tasks, GUI labels, etc.; provide external links for learning>>

Writing guidelines

Following these writing guidelines will keep ONAP documentation consistent and readable.

General guidelines for all documents

Abbreviations and acronyms

ECOMP terms

GUI elements

Headings (Titles)
