The process for adding a new INFO.yaml file is detailed below. For general information on committer management using INFO.yaml files, please see this page.

Creating a new repo is a simple PTL driven process.

lftools --help
--directory TEXT custom gerrit directory, eg not /r/
--empty Create info file for uncreated project.
--tsc_approval TEXT optionally provide a tsc approval link
--help Show this message and exit.

For adding a repo to an existing project:

lftools infofile create-info-file example-parent/example-child > INFO.yaml

For creating the initial repo in a newly approved project:

lftools infofile create-info-file example-parent/example-child --empty --tsc_approval "" > INFO.yaml

Creating a new repo under an existing parent repo does not require pre-approval. Creating a new ONAP project must be approved by the TSC. The process to follow to submit a new project is here:  New Project Proposals

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