Brief Project Overview (brief as it should be known)

The Common Controller Software Development Kit (CCSDK) provides common components (libraries and docker images) used as a basis to construct controllers.  These components include:

New component capabilities for Frankfurt, i.e. the functional enhancements.

The following table lists the new functional requirements CCSDK is committing to support for the Guilin Release:

RequirementsCompanies Supporting Requirement



Huawei, IBM, Wipro

Huawei, CMCC, Wipro


T-Mobile, Orange

Ericsson, IBM

Minimum Viable Product

The following epics represent the minimum viable product of the CCSDK Guilin Release:

The following epics are also in scope for Guilin, but are not considered of the minimum viable product.  In the event of unanticipated resource constraints, these could be reduced in scope or deferred without impacting any functionality deemed by the TSC as critical for Guilin.

These requirements require enhancements to existing CCSDK functionality, as opposed to new interfaces. 

New or modified interfaces

CCSDK itself has no interfaces, but does provide interface adaptors used by client controllers. 

If they are modified, are the backwards compatible?

N/A - CCSDK itself has no interfaces.

Interface naming (point to an example)

CCSDK provide the following APIs:

Reference to the interfaces.

All APIs have Swagger documentation, which is referenced in readthedocs

What are the system limits?

Since CCSDK is a toolkit, this doesn't really apply.

Involved use cases, architectural capabilities or functional requirements.

CCSDK is used in the following use cases:

Listing of new or impacted models used by the project (for information only).
